What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

No. I said already neither one of us can link our Wrath RDF toons until after RDF has already launched. How many times do I have to repeat myself? I said link your toon AFTER it has the achieves for doing RDF to prove that you like it as much as you say… in Classic Wrath. Nvm. I’ll just take you’re word for it. You call me stupid back to back and keep saying I dont get simple things, but me telling you what I want from you has taken hours of my time.

So nvm. I don’t care if you link it after RDF comes out. You cant link it yet cuz nothing has come out yet for you to do. There is nothing to link. You just dont get it.

Until it makes sense.

Ironforge doesn’t work outside of arenas and then only for arena stats.

Warcraft Tavern doesn’t show achievements (cause it has no way of getting them).

So where is the site you’re suposed to upload to?

That’s probably the first correct thing you’ve said all day.

They didn’t completely change their mind. A lot of their criticism levied towards RDF was specifically about RDF early on in an expansion. Game design is a dynamic profession.

I can only assume gross incompetence. First the decision to not have it at all because one of the lead devs was once asked who the tank was in WC, then the continued hypocrisy with statements and actions directly contradicting why they said no RDF, and finally still refusing to just admit they were wrong and are acting forced into adding RDF.


HEY… answer the question. Dont go off ignoring stuff, where is this site that will show classic character armories? How would it even be verified when there is no armory in the first place? How would you camp a horde character being a horde character? You said I play this toon at least and that it recently got the Epic achievement… how when it doesnt have epic trinkets over 372? I havent bought riding in ages so how exactly did I get the master riding skill achievement… a month ago… when I havent played DF since the wow token has been out in Classic Wrath?

Good lord, I don’t want that.

Well no the reasons why people have lied about RDF being bad don’t magically change in ICC, just like the reasons why RDF helps the game don’t magically appear in ICC.


Yes they do. RDF at the start of the expansion alters the Wrath experience more than it does if implemented at the end of the expansion – during the patch it was originally released in.

This just goes to show you never understood the arguments against RDF which is why Blizzard never listened to your demands to release it early.

We didnt get the wrath experience.

I did. Please don’t speak for others and project your opinions onto others.

Really? How so? What Wrath did you play that had Titan Rune dungeons in it?


And queue you being unable to explain what magically changes with ICC that RDF is suddenly perfectly fine.

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As have I. I realize that theory was incorrect even before Wrath launched. Just looking at the state of affairs in TBC Classic proved RDF was not the social destroyer people claimed it was (myself included). Not that I wanted it in TBC, but you could see the way things were heading. Wrath was like a beacon on the horizon to finally address the toxic dungeon gatekeeping that already was going on in TBC. And Blizz extinguished that beacon out of the blue without a word of warning. Without asking the players once about the matter.

You mentioned Mythics or Heroic+ or whatever you want to call them…those are their babies. Those are their stamps on the expansion. That’s what they can sit down with their bosses, point to and say, “See what we did!!” I think that’s why they were so hesitant to include RDF. It takes away from their ‘accomplishment’ of Titanforged as well as their crappy lfg tool. Also why they won’t admit they made a mistake, because that carries with it the implication that those inventions of theirs to replace RDF were also mistakes, or at least not particularly successful.

In the end, they should have seen this coming a mile away. You didn’t need to be a year into Wrath to see how things would turn out. Yet even now they still can’t admit RDF is good for the endgame dungeon experience. What did the woman say in the interview? Something about ‘we agree rdf has value for the leveilng process’. Oh, really? You mean lower level dungeons being devoid of players and collecting dust for a better part of a year isn’t great for the game? What a grand admission.


Because I got to play through Wrath content again at appropriate power levels? Not really a hard concept I’m not sure what you aren’t understanding.

It’s been explained to you by me, Blizzard, and others. There is really no other way to explain it in more simple terms. What’s the point of rehashing it now? Blizzard has already ignored your requests for early RDF.

They werent the same power levels, not even close.

Let’s see… I was level 80, had Wrath talents, had Wrath gear – yeah, appropriate power levels for me.

This is why you shouldn’t speak on others’ experiences. Just because you feel cheated out of a Wrath experience doesn’t mean everyone else does.

You got 232 ilvl from Ulduar?

I don’t care about a few extra percent in power difference. Notice how I used the word APPROPRIATE? A few extra percent here and there is APPROPRIATE for me. My Wrath experience remains intact. I’m sorry that yours didn’t but don’t speak on MY experience.

I’m kind of in between, I did see the leveling issue coming, but I didn’t think end game heroics would break down the way they did.

Going into Wrath I thought RDF was really only needed for leveling, and if they hadn’t of added the Heroic+ part to it, that might have been all it needed, but once they tossed it in, and started making all of the rest of the massive changes they did even normal heroic needs it.

Thing is I think heroic+ is a rather good idea, but the problem comes in that Wrath was never built with it in mind, just like it wasn’t built for Ulduar to be handing out the ilevel it did either. Both have caused things to break down, with no real benefit. What they gained from it they more or less lost on the back end.

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Did you get 232 ilvl from Ulduar in Wrath Proper?

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