What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

Does it matter if I got 232 ilvl from Ulduar? This is an irrelevant question.

Answer the question, Did you get 232 ilvl from Ulduar in Wrath Proper?

Tell me why the question is relevant and Iā€™ll answer. You wonā€™t be able to do that though because itā€™s yet another tangential semantic argument.

Sadly, they played out more or less exactly like they did in the original so thereā€™s really no reason not to have seen it coming.

People do the daily for badges and thatā€™s about it. RDF was the only thing that changed this.

Just answer the question. Did you get 232 gear from Ulduar in Wrath Proper?

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The question is irrelevant. Youā€™ll have to stay on topic if you want me to respond to you.

No it isnt, so answer the question. Did you get 232 ilvl in Ulduar in Wrath proper? Its a yes or no answer and you are just wasting your own time and everyone elses by your blatant refusal to answer because you know its relevant, and you know the answer is no, and that would mean you didnt do the content at the appropriate power level because the power level has been changed.


The power levels were changed from day 1 with 3.3.5 talents anyway.

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Yes it is. Iā€™ve already explained to you that a few percentages difference in power level does not alter the Wrath experience for me. The Wrath experience means different things to different people. A few percentage here and there is more than appropriate for me. Try reading please.

Thats true as well, but Bloomsday is moving the goalpost because he knows he was just caught.

Does this include the words ā€œfor meā€ in it? No it doesnt, those didnt come until AFTER me asking the question. This proves that this isnt the same Wrath, so trying to bring up ā€œRDF was released in 3.3!ā€ is pure and utter nonsense and his stance has changed from earlier on in this poor excuse of the classic that Wrath was.

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No no on, you dont get to inject words after you have been caught.

Where does ā€œfor meā€ show up in this?

You realize this entire conversation is about MY experience right?

Thatā€™s why I use the pronoun ā€œIā€ to indicate MY EXPERIENCE? Thatā€™s why I told you several times to not speak on MY experience? Like here:

Here I even said ā€œfor meā€

Please do better to keep up and read things correctly.

No words are being injected. You are just yet again lost at sea in this discussion.

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So you are in fact unable to explain what changes with ICC that RDF is suddenly fine.


No no no, again you arent going to get to just inject things into something because you got caught. You said it was the appropriate power levelā€¦ and its not. So therefore you didnt have the wrath experience.

Itā€™s been explained to you already. If you donā€™t understand it, thatā€™s on you. Blizzardā€™s design is not contingent on what you are capable of understanding or not understanding.

You should read my entire post before replying. Your statement here doesnā€™t make any sense since Iā€™ve already shown that you have not kept up in this conversation at all and that from the very start, it has only ever been about my experience.

Try your best to actually read.

Again, then itā€™s no problem to repeat it for the denser of us in the crowd is it?

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With the last three dungeons added they can cut and paste the code, otherwise they would need to learn how to program, the against RDF was a smoke screen to hide their very evident incompetence.

No itā€™s not, but then you apparently donā€™t understand it since you are unable to explain.

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Itā€™s been repeated multiple times. Weā€™ve already used the most simple language in the dictionary to explain this. If people are still failing to understand, thereā€™s not much more we can do. Game design is going to continue anyway regardless if people understand or not.

Then it should be easy to do it again.

Do you want me to quote your entire post? Will do bud and you can tell me where the ā€œfor meā€ is in it.

There is itā€¦ thats the entire quote. Where is the ā€œfor meā€ in that. There is nothing else there.