What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

No. I promised to log in game and show you. Or anyone here.

And I didnt click on it because it is not what I asked for. I said prove it once you’ve completed it. Very clearly I said that quite a bit, back to back. Lots of reiteration required with you. It takes a lot to get simple things through that simplistic little mind of yours. And you keep calling me stupid back to back.

Good lord, but why.

What’s the link to the supposed classic armory you said I’m supposed to know about?

So, clearly they had made the decision to finally include RDF. Why was that not made its own separate announcement? Don’t tell me they don’t understand what a huge issue this is. They wanted to bury this information.

Now, to be fair, how could they have announced it in a way that wouldn’t be criticized by people like me? If they made some big forum post of, ‘RDF finally coming to Wrath!’ I’d tear them apart for being complete hypocrites. They painted themselves in a corner from the start.

The first words out of their mouths should have been, ‘We made a mistake.’ And go from there. But this is Blizzard we’re talking about. Utter egomaniacs who are incapable of such humility. This whole situation is going to spur them on to make even more drastic changes. Cata won’t even resemble original Cata (which some people might praise), but to me abandons the whole point of a Classic server.


Why do you never answer questions? Like

In reference to

So answer the question.

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Cuz anyone can link anything from here and say it is theirs when it comes to armouries. Mwe logging in game, talking to you, proving that it is me. Letting you inspect me in game. VS linking some random profile that may or may not be mine.

Just assume I’ll trust you same as I assume you trust me for linking my DK on Vashj earlier.

You can do this on the forums. Just swap characters. We know you know how because you say you hop alts all the time.

Stop letting them get away without answering questions. Hold their feet to the fire. What website out there shows classic armories?

Both of my posts on this say they should have done this so I’m not telling you that.

I have several posts from the past saying that I don’t like the way Blizzard sometimes announces things. There are things I’ve considered huge that they’ve absolutely neglected.

I was just explaining a reason that may have looked like an annoyance.

Omg I said meet me in game and inspect me. I will prove to you that I did do those when i said. Not that amazing. Millions of people played during Wrath. Your chances of meeting multiple people here on the forums who have done Wrath RDF are very near 100%.

I am so much better at rerail than you though. I really don’t want to hurt your feeling by being mean to you in front of everyone here on the forums. I’ll do it in game. Illidan US Horde make Horde toon there run to Org and see how 100% of everyone on that server is better than you, including me. I’ll log in and wait in front of some of my guildes so that way if anyone asks we’ll both have proof.

The whole “we only announce stuff through interviews with youtubers or twitch streamers” means of communication makes me gag. Every. Single. Time.

How hard is it to just make a blog post?


What’s the link to the supposed classic armory site you mentioned, just use that.

Oh, I agree totally, that part is really annoying.

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How about no, just link your character.

Warcraft Tavern is one. Ironforge Pro is another.

I dont play retail.

Baha… go for it. The fact you havent done it yet means you cant.

That will cost you $1000, thats how much I value my time.

Or you can just… you know… link your character. Or better just just swap to it on here.

Oh and where is that classic armory you are talking about?


You could’ve done this yourself, it’s wildly inaccurate of course.

Ironforge is only arena teams, and I dont do arenas.

Now go on, do yours.

No. I want you to come see my toon there. It is 441 ilvl ret pally. Illidan Horde. But you have to be on WM otherwise I will not be able to see you if you are not on it. I’m not going to spawn camp you and then make fun of you in front of everything. I’m not like that. I just want to see you in game. You’re as good as you say you are, you should have no problem with it. On that toon. So I will know its you. How will I know who it is if you come with a different name.

I wouldn’t even call it a mistake, mainly because I’ve held since Vanilla Classic that Classic itself is as much a development test bed as it is a game.

I think what we saw was the theory in action that RDF played a strong role in the destruction of communities in WoW. I think originally the goal was to see if that was the case, and ultimately I think they started to believe it was the case and started holding on a bit too tightly. I think they saw the problems coming though, they know Wrath had some pretty big lulls that needed to be filled, and I think they thought they could cover those by speeding up the timeline, extending out Ulduar and adding Heroic+.

After it was all said and done though I think they discovered what I have over the years, that the low level experience needs a RDF, even on massive servers there isn’t enough of a community at that level to really make it work the way it should. Regular heroic needs an RDF because in a world where raiding dominates, and has been made worse by heroic+, that community has shrunk to levels much lower than even the first go around.

Basically what it boils down to is the theory has been proven incorrect, that while RDF does have some pitfalls, overall the game in several areas needs it to function. In this case by bumping up Ulduar gear and adding heroic+ they actually may have made the situation worse because now it’s even broken down the pure catchup that ToC 10 man always was.

I’ve changed my stance over the course of Classic, I started strongly against RDF and now understand why it needs to exist.


So then quit bragging about nonsense.

How exactly would you even do that? Lets just humor your nonsense for a second… If you are horde, and I make a horde character… how exactly would you attack me to spawn camp me?

Um… excuse me? The only one bragging here is YOU. Post where I said I was good. Do it… DO IT. Post where I said I was bad for that matter… you cant. Just like you cant answer any other question people ask you.