What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

Jesus christ that’s one sour grape. You can tell she’s personally offended by it. This is what happens when devs get too personally involved.


Wowhead needs clicks, they talk about whatever they can get.

The misogyny in this thread is lowkey but apparent.

Speaking of a blatant lie. You want RDF cuz it will help you so much. Okay then. Link your EU Wrath toon over here to us when Wrath is over so we can all see the progress that you made spamming RDF.

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It’s still official communication. Why record an interview if it’s not intended to be seen and used for the information provided?


I can see them doing another tier of Titan Runes… but here is the question… ICC dungeons. What would those drop? This new tier would drop 232 ilvl (ToC 10m loot) but the ICC dungeons already drop 232 ilvl loot so what would they be doing? Making the dungeons harder thand make them drop 232 loot? It makes absolutely 0 sense. People didnt want to do HoR Heroic, add affixes to that without increasing the rewards and you have a recipe that just wastes your time.

The ICC dungeons were part of the catch up. You got 4pc from emblems some other stuff from emblems at 245, and then filled the rest of the slots with FoS, PoS and HoR gear. After that you would just go right into ICC, at least ICC 10, get Ashen Verdict to friendly for your 251 ring and then go through the bosses. Titan Rune Dungeons will literally be there just for the increased badges.

Truthfully there doesnt need to be another tier for Titan Rune dungeons. It would just be quicker to farm out emblems.

I already did, you just didn’t click it.


This was my main during Wrath OG.

Do you even know what your point is? RDF would be a catch up system. You think epics = BiS for some reason.

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I think I have a reasonable idea of why he thinks this :wink:

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Well, to be fair, back in original Wrath running Heroics with RDF and finally getting tier gear and epics was the extent of progression for many players. They didn’t move on to raids.

Would that be in the case in Wrath Classic is hard to say. That’s what I would have experienced. I’d just run Heroics all day, even after fully gearing myself out…just like I did back in original Wrath. Because that’s what I gasp find fun. But I concede that these days I’m probably in a small minority. But it would have been nice to have that option, since it defined the Wrath experience for many players back in the day.

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Im a woman, but good try. Don’t even try to go there. Regardless of sex or gender, getting too personally involved with your work to the point where you’re resentful of your customer base is toxic.


Hmm… … … …

Anyway, I agree that there was a ton of speculation about RDF getting released with the ICC patch. From the player base, not from Blizzard. At least while I used to go into more of these threads before it became all about which poster with zero control was the bad guy who destroyed the world with people picking their made-up “sides”, and not about the actual discussion at all.

You’re making some grand assumptions based on your perception of someone’s demeanor in a small timestamp of a long video. You people are attacking someone for this.

Try being better human beings, all of you.


Because they were bad. Or just intimidated. I still raided, and if I wasnt raiding I was filling out another gear set “just in case” or another toon “just in case”. Dungeons were ran constantly even at 3am. People were playing this like 10-16 hours a day, that wasnt all just raiding.

You havent dont Classic RDF yet. I said link it when it is completed for Wrath Classic to show that you are truly what you say you are about.

No I dont. I never said that.

Look at your 393 ilvl toon you have there and say that to me again with a straight face.
Im rocking 441 gear on an alt. Ive used the word BiS a lot around here. You probably found out what it is from me.

BiS is something that you are not. It means Best in Slot.

Probbaly has something to do with why you’re guildess…hint hint… it’s your gear.

You’re more than 40 ilvls beneath what was acceptable last season. I got that running keys. Ill do keys again and get BiS again. Im a little behind now.

… I havent done something that isn’t in the game yet?


What even is this?

I’m outta here when Wrath is over, why on earth would I bother?

Yes you do. It was so blatantly obvious with how you were talking about epics.

I dont play DF. And ill say it again… you think epics = BiS.

Its because I choose to not be around bigots like yourself.

I dont see where else the speculation would come from so yeah. Even some of the most vocal “anti-rdf” posters opined it would likely come in with the ICC patch if they were ever going to bring it in because that’s when it came out originally. Why? Because at that point it wouldnt matter, its the last patch and the end of Wrath.

Those old threads weren’t about that though - it was the grievous error Blizz was making by not including it at launch or shortly thereafter.

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You’re right that like 40% of the arguing at least was about how other things were introduced early so RDF should be too. I saw that for sure.

No, they were saying “make friends because it isnt coming”.

Also no one could answer why RDF would be the exception to the rule. All the other systems come out at launch so why would RDF be any different?


I told you to link it after you have done it. I never asked for you to link an empty shell that you expect me to sit an entire month here waiting for you to fill up.

You do actually. You just got a bunch of achievements in the last few weeks and you just got your epic achieve a few days ago so you very clearly do play DF still.

I know what BiS is. I said I have it, you dont. Im 441, your 393. I’m BiS, your. idk. Ill make up a term for you WiS. What’s the opposite of Best? Now figure it out.

You play it more than I do.