What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

I mean, this is what I find hilarious about it. It’s been a huge own goal from Blizzard from the get go - making radical announcements and backflips only to end up in the default brace position. They’re not being responsive so much as reactive … and it shows.

It’s been my biggest issue with WoTLKC development - it’s not necessarily what they have or haven’t done, but rather the way they have gone about doing it.

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Yup, and then they stuck to it even more by only doing announcements with stupid streamer interviews rather than just … writing a blog post.


My guess is they realized what an utter waste of content like most the 5 mans (non-end game for sure) in the whole most of the game were with such limited people running them. RDF populates those up with alts almost immediately. Probably realized wasting time for the sake of wasting time isn’t actually good game design. AKA, fly up, point mount, hit auto run in instance direction, fly/walk into portal. Or the even more classic just standing in Dal typing 123 in chat.


More like they realized H+ and ++ sucks and they’d rather use RDF to give players frost emblems.

Sucks they’re adding it tbh

Good riddance then. Since WotLK sucks and isn’t WotLK without RDF. So many people quit and skipped Wrath because of no RDF. Now we finally get to play the game. Being against RDF is just a bad take. RDF is the single best feature ever added to an MMO and WoW.


For what it’s worth I agree with you about community mattering in this game as it’s an MMO. Server and otherwise (like guild etc). It’s a shame what happened to Skeram so early.

I personally don’t like to connect “community” with RDF and wish it wasn’t talked about at all in the discussion. Basically when RDF got left out this flood of new posters that enjoy talking about their extreme hatred of community in an MMO came in. It kind of wrecked the Wrath forums for me and what happened with the servers absolutely destroyed Wrath as a game for me.

Anyway, Era is a breath of fresh air because there are still like-minded people there and there’s still server community. Or I was going to walk away from WoW for good. So yay for me I guess.

Since no one else was saying it and you were just getting ignorant one-liners about server community from the people who are so obsessed with themselves they never look outside of that so they’ve paid zero attention, I wanted to reply to say I get you.

RDF actively increased my networking the first time around and built up my social networking, it isn’t the antithesis of a community.

I feel this is a very broad generalization of those who wanted RDF. Realistically communities are either in a guild in game or on discord.
Anything other than that is on you as a player to foster and RDF in no way hampers this. It wasn’t a wave of extreme hatred for a community, it was realistic takes on how the community at large works in WoW.

YMMV, I respectfully disagree with you.


I mean people very rightly expected RDF to be in wrath as it’s an actual wrath feature. So yes a lot of people were upset that it was being left out for what were profoundly stupid reasons since #nochanges doesn’t work to leave RDF out of wrath. And as much as some people refuse to accept it RDF very much does fix some very real problems.

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I am sorry that it read that way but that’s what I found. There was like switch and all these posts started coming up from brand new forum people who talked about how community in this game does not matter. I distinctly remember this and the problem was that Blizzard used community in their reason to exclude RDF. Had this not happened and there was another reason I’m not sure if things would have changed in the same way.

I’m sure others will dogpile me too but I didn’t want that poster to feel alone so I posted what I did.

I can still go back to the Earthfury Discord from classic and chat with 20 people from that server who no longer even play Wow but who remember a lot from the “Vanilla” life of the server. People from different guilds on both sides who are still reminiscing about a server that’s been dead for a long time. Is that a Vanilla vs Wrath thing? Yeah probably. So frankly, when I hear people saying that server community in WoW does not exist and never has it’s a huge pet peeve because I dIsagree as strongly as it’s possible.

Even though I do agree it’s not great with the servers in Wrath as they stand because those servers are just way too big and toxic to where you need your smaller groups for any sense of real community.

I’ve never once had a problem with RDF being in the Wrath from day 1. So for me this is not about that at all. I just get annoyed when people express how much they do not care about the community in this MMO game. A lot of the time they don’t express how they get it through RDF either as you did, they simply express how much they do not care.


The thing is community, what makes it, what values it adds etc is entirely subjective. For a lot of people that is their guild and the people on their immediate friend’s list not the broader player base of their entire server. I don’t find this to be anything new to classic, or wrath back in the day, there were tons of people who played WoW exactly like that all the way back in vanilla OG as well.

It became cantankerous when they announced they were not adding RDF because it was a feature a lot of people were expecting. And when the people who don’t want RDF for whatever reason could no longer fall back on #nochanges as a reason to not have it you started seeing them saying stupid things like “herp derp socialize better”. Which makes the entire discussion toxic.


I understand what you’re saying Ziryus. My problem is that people speak in absolutes about it saying things like “Well WoW Server community DOES NOT EXIST, it’s not 2009 anymore!” and are often nasty at the same time.

I am sorry if my message to Tippytaps came off harshly with the “extreme hatred” part. Sometimes when I get annoyed about things I can mudsling a bit back too instead of being nice like I always try to be.

I am happy for those who wanted RDF that it’s come in finally and I actually wish I could have supported just keeping Wrath as it should have been, but it was tough reading that over and over again. Especially while watching servers die that very few seemed to care about anymore after tbcc ended, despite so many on these forums caring before. So the forums went from a place where like-minded people to me were to a place where the population cares more about other things that I’m personally just not that passionate about.

I’ve moved on though.


Absurd right? Complain forever that they want it,then complain when they get it. Its like a real life version of the Muppets. I started in Wrath,played Wrath classic,its good,but not even close to as good as they hype it up to be. I would play Legion over again 100 out of 100 times over Wrath.

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Why I will fund any redo’s lol. Even cata. I came in legion weeks out to BFA. All the stuff ripped out since final patch in place.

Its my fave expac to level in, I’d like to see it as it was really.

There’s a hell of a lot of gaslighting going on here.

Yes, it was added in the last patch of WotLK. Yes, you could argue that is too late for WotLK classic and there was no reason to hold out this time.

However, the point is that when they committed to this back in April last year they acted as if their plan was to not have RDF at all, even in the ICC patch. I’m sure people will split hairs but Brian Birmingham’s arguments weren’t exactly predicated on waiting until the ICC patch.

I’m glad they came around to doing the right thing, but much like the flying debacle in WoD they evidently got tricked into chasing a vocal minority on the forums and assuming a very unpopular and controversial change was actually widely-supported. I said this back then and I’m glad to have been predictably proven right.


i bet it was that useless council and/or streamers

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I personally had to pay for transfers on all my characters 4 times before ending up on benediction. I’d imagine a decent chunk of players are in the same boat.

If you played tbc or classic you knew not to xfer off during the wrath launch queue crisis because you knew you’d 100% be paying to xfer back in a few months. To add insult to injury you couldn’t even xfer back for almost a year. I can only imagine how many players ended up quitting after being stuck on dead servers.

Blizzard inability to manage server health is bewildering. If they just never handed transfers to begin with at classic launch we would’ve never been here. The worst server(skeram) was only 55-45 before they added it.

Once they added in paid transfers the writing was on the wall. Those few months before it happened were some of the most enjoyable I’ve had in my 15+ year WoW career. True fun even as the ratio got worse and worse before they closed the free transfers. By then the ratio had lopsided to 70-30 and it was just a waiting game until the rest could leave.

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I think a lot of you feel smart by being negetive all the time.

It doesn’t make you intelligent to be in opposition all the time. It just makes you annoying to listen to.

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Hey there man hows everyone been doing on Old Blanchy?

hi guys im back lol. long write up bc im chatty before work.

Brian (the old main dev for classic) got dropped and when i asked him personally on Twitter about rdf he said he was against it (this was post him being fired) bc he’s selfish and thought of himself that’s what he gets kinda lol. he knew rdf was a game changer but wanted to be a jerk about it because of his own personal wants and not the gamers/ players he is doing this for. i do hope he found a job bc getting fired sucks.

also we have been speculating for a long time but the fact of it is (while im speculating lol) , rdf brought in a mass of players back then and it’s going to do it again to reel in the money. this was all their plan, to space out their other games up until now were icc/rdf join and everyone subs again. this was all by business standpoint. they did the whole gaslight nonsense so they didn’t want to be honest lol. since d4 is a failure, ow2 getting destroyed on steam, bg3 is kicking blizz is ready to pull the big guns out, but it’s around that time anyway.

tldr; part of their plan to get subs up in a big boom like before.


They has been nothing “pure” about this release since launch…except RDF. That is really what you are going with?