What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

The patch that had RDF was 3.3.

We’ve been playing on 3.3.5 since the prepatch.

I doubt even Blizzard has decided on this yet and here you are saying it for absolute certainty.


Mythic + lite is added and a currency never used before in LK, along with class balancing and ilvl adjustments? Collete sleeps

A LK feature is actually being added into LKC? Somehow that’s retail.

You don’t have to comment you know, just honk your clown horn and we’d all know that you’re here.


I’d say they probably won’t even include Heroic (H). That Val (something) Council Member mentioned, off hand, about how he understood it’s difficult to level [in regards to getting dungeons]. To which the devs acknowledged the problem.

I fear this may be a telegraph that RDF will only be enabled for the Normal Mode of dungeons. While H, H+, H++, and later H+++ (post ICC) will be treated like Mythic+ over in Retail is (or was? I haven’t played in a long time); as in group content that requires you to form the group.

Basically, it’ll be a middle finger to everyone who has been calling for RDF. Because that seems to be the MO of this dev team: Implement a feature but twist it just enough that it’s hated.


I admit I’m tired, but “just honk your clown horn” has me cracking up lol


I always said Blizzard couldn’t get the code to work with out the last three dungeons because they are incompetent. And 100% blizzard developers resent the players, especially the classic player base.


Those are new to the game so they don’t count… All of the new stuff added is risky but ultimately their choice. It does change the overall formula too. But if you wanted to make a faithful rerelease you’d want stick to certain milestones.

Ok cool. Glad you’re so observant.

No they don’t understand.
I am neither against or for – I could careless either way, why? I have a guild so I don’t need RDF, LFD, LFR, etc

I’m glad they got what they want, but a lot of us knew it would be intro’d into the same patch as the original… it only make sense. They were never going to rewrite the code to remove it.

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100% agree.
RS is junk. I did it once in original and have zero intentions of doing it this round. My guild has the same thoughts.

Yea but these forums about the whole RDF thing. They first began with the spam of
“Dont add RDF, dont add RDF, dont do it it will ruin the game, we never said we didnt want it”
Then Blizz was like “We might add it”
Then the forums turned to “Add RDF, add RDF we’ve always said that we wanted it”
Then Blizzard said. “We are going to be adding RDF”

Now the forums are all like “We dont want it anymore. You added it too late”
That is no wseriously what they are saying now… they got what they were asking to have for months and are now saying they dont want what they were asking for because it came in too late, but months before they began asking they were saying the wanted it to never come in.

So…thats why I kinda dislike this crowd. A bunch of hypocrites that only come here to complain about the game. I kept saying it comes out closer to the end of Wrath, right next to the ICC drop. Hm… idk. They are more happy when they are not happy.

LOL – If you have not discovered, most folks on here want something to be mad about, sad about, angry about, complain about. No matter what Blizzard does it will never make 99% of them happy.

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I dunno, if beta had been harder than alpha I might’ve agreed, but they made betas a LOT easier than alphas so I don’t see why not. Betas aren’t harder than the ICC 5 mans and they were in from the word go.

Completely and utterly untrue. Early classic has server communities. I was on skeram and the alliance community was comprised of the best players on NA. It was an amazing experience until they opened transfers and allowed the minority faction to leave en masse.

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the only server “community” is the toxic incels spamming memes on discord

I’m very curious, what’s this wailing caverns story I keep hearing about?

Pretty much that and he’s repeated it in virtually every single interview since.


Dude really used an 8 word conversation as a sign that communities are thriving…

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And apparently had no other encounter quite like it considering it was the one he fell back on every. Single. Interview.


Yep - this is literally a non topic now. Blizzard have decided to implement an RDF in pretty much the same way and at the same time as they did originally … who knew this would be controversial to classic purists?

To my mind there is literally nothing controversial at all about this decision. Probably didn’t even need to announce it.

The problem is how they painted themselves into a corner with the pillars (gag) and saying “it’s never coming”.