What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

Hopefully they got fired for making the game worse for no reason.

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I was merely pointing out what the older RDF threads were about. We weren’t betting each other if it would come out with the ICC patch - those threads were about not having it in at launch and perhaps never having it.

I could care less either way but for those who wanted to play “genuine Wrath” they got exactly what they asked for. They should be thanking Blizzard yet they’re not truly happy for some reason.

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What’s genuine about Wrath Classic?

The mythic dungeons? The broken retail LFG tool? Tokens? Wg as a cross-realm bg? The list goes on and on.

But somehow rdf needed to wait till ICC for it to be genuine?



Clearly a large enough group to take adding it into consideration.

Sounds like the powers that be disagree with you.


your* main reasons.

Still a vastly different game than retail.

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There’s been nothing genuine about Classic since it launched in August of 2019. The’ve been #somechanges before TBC and made it official with TBC. Feels like its too late to be whining about it here in Wrath but many forum posters identify as being victims so par for the course I guess.

Ill point it out it hasnt stopped them from playing or paying so I maybe its a part of their subscription or something.

That’s got nothing to do with RDF.

I dont like it anymore than the next guy but Ill just point out that your sub is voluntary and Blizzard is on record as saying they weren’t going to be afraid to make changes after Era. So, like, you were informed.

Pretty sure that was one of your taglines. “I wanted an authentic recreation of Wrath and no RDF blah blah blah”. RDF is coming out right on time for those that said that. You won. Enjoy!

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What do you mean it has nothing to do with RDF? Mythics and the LFG tool were added to replace rdf.

They were used as a catch-up system. That’s what rdf was at max. It was also a lot more than that.


There was a reason. Wailing caverns.

I sometimes wonder if that ghetto dps now tank looks back at that event.

And feels bad about saying yes

Or do they go dude, I trolled an entire AAA game for years, Awesome!


And you go out of your way to complain about people while simultaneously adding to the spam by bumping a thread. Complain if you want, idc, but its weird to complain about a fire while actively adding fuel to the fire.


Yeah…they were trained by Ion.

Ion is the master of monkey paw design.

We asked our wish. Wish granted. Finger rolls up on paw and now the curse comes.

I have some morbid curiosty as to how they monkey paw this. They could for once not do monkey paw. I’d doubt it but I’d happily be wrong.


They seem outright vindictive if the playerbase doesn’t go along with their decisions.


WoD showed that.

Oh you want to fly? thought you’d buy a boa book too?

Nah. find 100 chests (lots of tree climbing, with one of gaminegs worst player’s camera’s to see better) and then death by dailies in Tanaan jungle.

One could spend lots of gold for those rep tokens to speed up tanaan. And it was worth every copper too. Those dailies jsut flat out sucked. Even Quel’danas had some things to like there. Tanaan? Hell on earth, err, draenor.


This here is what we call rewriting history.

The devs that spoke against RDF were pretty straightforward about not wanting RDF in at all. The “community members” who were against RDF were celebrating that fact and constantly tried to shut down threads stating what the devs had said.

You could have pointed out that even Birmingham said there were devs that had wanted to put RDF in. You could have stuck with solely your opinion on the entire matter - without pretending to be smugly clairvoyant about what goes on at Blizzard. You could have pointed out that Blizzard said just about nothing since their prepatch notes on RDF as opposed to OP claiming they’d spent a year engaging the community on it. You could have also just let the thread sit quietly instead of interacting with it if you were truly fed up with RDF threads. But no, just go straight into pretending it was definitely coming with ICC and that that’s something the anti-RDF crowd were monolithically fine with.

This has… nothing to do with anything, at all. Not even just comparing Legion to Wrath, but also sales in the first 24 hours has got to be one of the most garbage stats to try and objectively measure game quality.


My god, you could have just insulted him, that’d be better than the cold blooded homicide you just did :clap:



Subs show who stays after the 1 month deal.

Sales data is locked data. Once a thresh hold is met, the game cannot be returned. Even if hated…its can’t be returned.

I own many games that I hated. I went over steam’s time limit…I owned them.

MMO"s have subs to be much better numbers. Who liked this game enough they paid for extra time? Extra over the 1 month usually given in the package deal.

It clearly shows they liked it to play a 2nd month and beyond.


When Wrath was current the context surrounding RDF’s release was different.

Back then the release of the final patch in an expansion didn’t herald the end of anything except the imminent release of new content. Even through the time where the game fully leveled off in overall player count in Cataclysm, the game was still being flooded with new players; they simply were no longer overwhelmingly outweighing the number of players quitting. Because of this you really were able to find entire communities genuinely at the same point in their journey as you were in yours. There are people who started in Wrath, but not until ICC’s release, who nonetheless got to pseudo-progress through all the tiers in a way that you cannot in Classic.

In the context of Classic WoW, Wrath will be effectively over within a few months of ICC’s release. Its player count won’t drop to literal zero, but the expansion won’t be “live” for all intents and purposes. When it was originally released RDF was part of countless player’s Wrath experience, but by releasing with the same raid tier in Wrath Classic it’s basically a tool for leveling Cataclysm characters. When ICC releases that is mostly what people are going to be doing, and then once that’s over the expansion follows, and not long after that we’ll have Cataclysm.

RDF was a Wrath feature that only released as late into the expansion because it wasn’t ready before then. It is entirely disingenuous to pretend that releasing it with the same content tier in Wrath Classic is doing justice to an authentic recreation of what RDF meant to the original run of Wrath of the Lich King.


Unfortunately the team behind classic is gone. We are now in the retail light era of RDF and soon to be LFR and transmog. I’m out after ICC, just like back in the day. I did not sign up for classic to play retail.

It’s amazing anyone still tries to use that ridiculous ‘But it didn’t release until the ICC patch’ argument. As we all know, the patch a system went in originally has never mattered throughout Classic. And like all anti-rdf posters, when asked why rdf should be the exception…you get no answer.

By the way, that guy insists that Wintergrasp was a cross-realm battleground in original Wrath. So basically…don’t take anything he says seriously.



This you? You have 3 logged Naxx’s and 2 logged Ulduars.

Are you sure you’re actually playing the game right now while it caters to you?



A Wrath system in Wrath makes it Retail? :rofl: But Mythic dungeons being added are fine?

How is anyone supposed to take this nonsense seriously?


They never changed their minds - they just didn’t want to put any work into changing the patches, and this is the patch that originally had RDF. Notice that they aren’t adding Alphas/Betas/Gammas to it - that would require effort.

nuBlizz is literally just squeezing any loose change they can out of WoW Classic. How is this surprising anymore?

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