What happened to the dev teams that were so strongly against RDF?

This is painful to watch. This guy is just being humiliated.

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Iā€™ve done it for you already.

Thereā€™s not much more I can do for you here. I cannot have a discussion with you if you cannot read.

The last three dungeons have been released so they can cut and paste the code now, other wise they would need to learn how to actually program.

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Yes, and that was after I asked

And at that point you knew your ā€œappropriate power levelā€ statement was nonsense. So you changed it to ā€œappropriate power level for meā€. Why are you so disingenuous all the time?

Itā€™s been explained to you before already, just like the AV changes and Dual spec. If you still donā€™t understand, thatā€™s fine, but Blizzard will have to largely ignore your feedback then. Which is exactly what we saw unfortunately.

No it hasnt. Its also hilarious that you are coming up with the ā€œyou cant readā€ bs like you always do when you cant follow the course of the conversation. You are the one in the wrong here and always have been.


No change was made. The context of this entire conversation has only ever been MY experience.

Until you can show that you are capable of reading properly, Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll have to move on.

Yes, your argument changed.

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So it is a problem to repeat something thatā€™s been stated multiple times, OK.

Right so you are in fact unable to explain it.

Shareholder pressure likely won out.

Yeah, definitely not the playerbase asking while the main anti RDF guy got himself fired.

As if shareholders give a hoot lol.

Hopefully they have fun running the fry counter at Mcdā€™s,

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A shareholder has no clue what RDF even is.

They had 12 million subscriber buffer back then. Not so much now.

Also, the patch a system originally went in has never mattered in Classic. Not a single anti-rdf poster has ever given a reason as to why rdf should be the exception.


This one graduated up to a kick to the groin.

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I predict that Cata will follow WOTLK! And then Pandaland! You see it here first folks! The great Maalpractice sees all and knows all!


Did you take a headcount? Got a spreadsheet somewhere with the percentages? Most still isnā€™t everyone.

Most Pro RDF people said no RDF was 100% a Blizz conspiracy to sell boosts and irrefutable proof people in their organization hate WoW and despise its players. I mean, if weā€™re gonna focus on who said dumb absolutes lets be consistent and not pose it in a way that paints Pro RDF fans like they were noble martyrs.

It doesnā€™t matter if a forum poster was actually able to provide that for you because they would just be flamed into oblivion regardless. Everything was 100% speculation on behalf of both parties. Its Blizzards game and they can do what they please - you would think all the geniuses would have figured that out by now. Heck, you have to agree to that in order to even have access to the servers.

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Aw, come on, canā€™t we pretend pleaseā€¦

I mean, youā€™re not wrong. I donā€™t remember all the ridiculous garbage Iā€™ve typed out here in defense of RDF and while I donā€™t think I said anything that crazy, I was pretty much convinced that the development team had misread the market research data and was engaging in an absurd level of confirmation bias. I still think thatā€™s the majority component.