What happened to our BG marks?!

That’s such a terrible take. Come back when you don’t look like such a smooth brain.

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Marks can be saved til 70 ya big goof, and are needed for the various epic PvP gear you buy with Honor Points.

You said blizzard knew people would do this and should’ve said something about it. Why? Why is it their responsibility to tell you how to play. Can you not think for yourself?

Smooth brain takes over here. Good luck with that.

At least I didn’t waste my time framing marks.

That’s like saying well if they thanos snapped your gear, you’d have no reason to be upset.

Show me where on the doll where the billion dollar mega Corp touched you!

Most can point at their wallet haha


Lmfao 10/10

Not really. There’s plenty of examples in wow history of people who “prefarmed” something getting screwed. This isn’t new, yet people continue to do it, and continue to be shocked and outraged when it backfires. By now you should know the risk of prefarming


You can be emotional all you like, no one is taking your reactions from you. But Blizzard could literally “Thanos snap” all of our gear and tell us to start over and we’d have zero recourse other than just… unsubbing.

That’s why it really isn’t anything to get all pissy over. Blizzard isn’t out to get anyone and stuff gets screwed up from time to time, just how it goes.

And you now have 13, all exclusively whinging about a faceless corporation being mean to you.

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It’s all just ingame data. Why is his earned ingame data less important than yours? Because you dont care about the time he spent to earn it.


You know how ridiculous of a take that is?

Hey we can’t do anything, even though players have changed LOTS of things by giving feedback, so lay on the ground and take it without even voicing your concerns even though we pay. That’s what I don’t get about you people. The only way for change to happen is to speak up but you shills are out here simping for free. It’s really weird. Daddy Blizzard isn’t giving you anything, buddy.

I didnt say he had any real recourse, but dude can be upset about it. He didnt cheat any system.

Never said it was. Just said it’s not Blizzard’s responsibility to think of anything in game someone might want to farm for any reason, and tell them wether it’s ok to farm or not so they don’t waste time. Players have been wasting their time farming things that became worthless for years, this isn’t new

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But it’s not that its worthless to farm. It’s that he farmed it legitimately. And it was lost in a game split.

Not at all. Blizzard isn’t beholden to any of us and we’re just customers, nothing more. You can make all the noise you like but for all the thousands of demands and feedback given… maybe one is publicly acted upon.

A few dozen things over 15 years is… well… yeah good luck with that.

This isn’t some heroic charge against a fated foe you spoon, it is a consumer transaction. If I’m displeased with how someone is managing a product, I do the normal thing and just stop paying for that product. You want to kick and scream, be my guest, but you aren’t standing up for yourself, you’re just being loud.

Maybe Blizzard will take notice.
Maybe not.

But none of it really matters, you’re making demands of a luxury goods provider that your hobby time isn’t up to snuff. Get a bit of perspective.

The only weird thing is people like yourself having this massive inferiority complex about people not joining in your silly little crusades. Someone standing on the sideline mocking your anemic and impotent threats and demands isn’t “shilling” for the person you’re trying to attack, they’re just mocking you.

We get it. YOU are upset about something. We don’t have to be. Grow up and accept that.

He’s allowed to be upset.


You are right you dont have to be upset about it. But telling someone to grow up and not be upset over a legitimate grievance is not mature.

Not an exploit. Items sent in the mail were deleted because of Blizzard’s incompetence.

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Would Blizz piss off the entire player base just to intentionally wipe our marks under the guise of “normal launch day difficulties?”

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