What happened to our BG marks?!

Good thing it isn’t your concern seeing as storing stuff in your mail has been allowed in retail for a very long time. Do you get paid to simp or just do it for free?

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That’s kind of what I was figuring. People trying to be clever, and getting wrecked on prepatch, a tale as old as time.


Storing things in the mail is one thing, circumventing limit caps is another.


Well that does sound like an exploit?


I lost the marks that were in my bags. Before the boost they where there now gone

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Always assume that anything which circumvents a normal game function is an exploit.


You have always been able to hold more than 20 marks by using the mail dummy people do it every week at the reset. Even if the cap was still 20 marks you’d be able to spend those and then loot your mailbox. Good job with the brain dead comments.


Sucks to suck.


You can’t really expect them to be safe though. Just because the exploit normally works, doesn’t mean it will continue to in all circumstances.

Take your lumps, and grind them back out.


It’s not an exploit it’s literally how the game is intended to function lol. Also I didn’t farm marks just pointing out the stupidity of calling this an exploit.


Aww… you’ll be okay boo boo. You have two weeks worth of pre-patch to stock up on Marks!

inb4 additional sexual references

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If something says unique(20), what happens when you try and loot one more, with 20 already in your inventory.


Stockpiling marks? $12.49

Crying on the forums thinking anyone but other people who did the same thing and lost theirs as well care? Priceless


There’s a reason the game is coded to send them to your mailbox stop being stupid

They can’t really help it. I think they feel if they suck up to the big mega corporation ,who wouldn’t piss on them if they were on fire, they’ll get special things. The fact is people wasted multiple hours of their lives over something they could have said something about but chose not to. They knew people would do this. Shills going to shill tho

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If that is true, then they shouldn’t be mailed to us in the first place.


You’d think wrong. I recognize that blizzard is a soulless megacorp. I just don’t care.

This thread is not any different from the people who speculated on BFA mats just before SL prepatch, thinking they were going to vendor flip it for hundreds of times their buy value, by exploiting relic of the past.

When blizzard nerfed it the day of the prepatch, thousands of speculators cried out in anguish, before going silent. That is this thread, speculators that assumed they’d be able to game the system, to get a massive headstart on PvP gear grind.


A massive headstart? What? For honor gear? To get catch up gear??

If you didn’t care you wouldn’t be replying multiple times to a topic that has nothing to do with you.

You aren’t fooling anyone, goofy.

So its blizzards responsibility to tell you how to play the game so you don’t inadvertently waste time?


I’ll preface this with I stored no marks. But they give them a 24 hour decay. It would be an exploit if you somehow tried to circumvent the decay. Just having excess marks in mail clearly isnt an exploit as that is how they made it work. They wanted you to be able to still get your reward but not mark bomb to the #1 standing for a week