What happened to flying?

First pathfinder, then the level theft, now this.

Blizzard has a consistent track record of “fixing” things that aren’t broke and breaking them instead.

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It is now an either or proposition. My only gripe so far because I had my bar set up with fast fliers and more traditional ones for when I want to farm ore and such.

Admittedly it is pretty cool to see new animations on some of my older more favorite mounts.

I’m having the exact same problem. There is nothing in my mounts page, and nothing that seems to be the right button in my General Spellbook-> Skyriding options. Are we suire this is a bug. I have not extensions.

weird, and proof of even more Bass-Ackwardy-ness of this choice to make Skyriding default instead of steady flight.

This will suck. I still need to level from 15 to 60, and I would like to be able to fly normally to do it. :frowning:

Do I have to level a different toon or something.

Super frustrated by this.

No, you can go to the Dragon Isles from level 10, it is a selection in Chromie Time now.

And I’m fairly sure you only have to do it on one character. But I can’t test that, since I’ve already done the quests.

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May just need to talk to a Dragonflight trainer. They can be found wherever a dragon customizeing area is.
Hopefully that will solve the problem.

Tho if the game can tell you havenʻt done the Dragon Daycare quest and send a persistent lil dragon whelp to follow you everywhere until you pick up his quest, they could probably do the same for anyone who is lacking whatever quest you need to unlock Dragonflying.

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Open Talents and Spellbook on main bar.

Select the Spellbook Tab at the bottom of the resulting window. Then select the General Tab at the top of the Window. You should see a selection of abilities one of which should be Skyriding.

Click on the Skyriding button and you should see a popout with a set of skyriding abilities. The last of those should be Switch Flight Style. That is used to switch between Skyriding and real flight.

You have to do this on each character.

Right now, for me, the Summon Random Mount is broken when in Steady Flight mode. It always is summoning a land mount. Workaround for me is to drag a couple of flying mounts to my right bar.

If you do not see the Switch Flight Mode button, try changing to another character and then back.

There is also a button to switch modes in the Mounts tab under Warband Collections but, for me, it wasn’t there until after I did the steps above.

Hope this helps.

Thanks for this. Having played with it a few minutes makes me think that I don’t really care that much atm. This is pretty fun - and it seems much faster.

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I hope your issue is resolved because that is not good to hear.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

Can confirm that on the first character (lvl 65 no DR training) I logged in with, the Switch Flight Mode button was missing. I then switched to my single level 70 that also never did the DR training since I refuse to use that flight mode for any reason. The button was there for him. When I switched back to first character the button appeared.

There is something odd going on with skyriding right now.

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Thanks. I was able to fix it. It was costly though. I logged over to another toon (different faction and realm), and boosted it to 70. That fixed the toon I wanted to play.

Incidentally, I didn’t really want to boost past Dragonflight since I haven’t see the zone, but I have plenty of level 60 toons to do that with, and I don’t plan of playing the boosted toon for awhile.

So, basically, I had to spend money to skip content I wanted to play.

Edit: I spoke too soon. I just tells me “spell not learned” now.
Edit 2: Only level 16. Probably the problem. I will do this new flying until then.

I guess that is a work around but there has to be a better solution.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Yes, you don’t unlock Steady Flight until level 20.

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Thank you! I think that solved my “no flying” problem. I haven’t done the Dragon Isle quests yet. Many thanks!

It does baffle me why Blizz tied dragonriding to regular flying making it so that you can’t have one without the other.

Yeah seems like the only fix. So that means I have to upgrade to continue flying…great.

the main issue is they just didnt make it a toggle from the very start and they keep
on making old mans flying under pathfinder. like why make crap flying behind it? lol?
it’ll never not be funny to me, its one of the most backwards things blizz has done imho lol.

You don’t. You already have Dragonflight. You just need to do the quests.

Which, I agree, is stupid. But until Blizzard fixes it, that’s what you’ll have to do.

I DONT have dragonflight.