What happened to flying?

Yes, you do. You wouldn’t be able to get to level 61 without it.

I tried to warp to the dragon isle and it completely kicked me out of the game

That seem like a bug more than not having an expansion.

If you didn’t have access to the expansion, you’d just be told that you can’t go there.

Ill see if I can restart my computer and then try again. Maybe its some sort of cached data dispute within the software.

If that doesn’t help, the only thing I can suggest is perhaps starting a new toon, at level 10, you can Chromie Time to the Dragon Isles. You only need to do the dragon riding quest. I’m fairly sure you only need to do it on one toon.


Now that I have steady flight, I don’t even want to turn it on. I wish I hadn’t missed this entire expansion.

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Yeah, except for a very small number edge cases, Skyriding is very much superior to Steady Riding.

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Feels a bit like this is the way flying should have always been.

I laughed WAY too hard at this statement :rofl: thank you so much, I really needed that today :hugs: I’m a looong time player of wow and seriously considering cancelling my sub today because if the garbage we’ve see today is an indicator of the future Blizzard development, well…I’m done.

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why are people assuming it’s broken?

go do the starter quest and unlock it.

Technically, I agree with you.

But I thought I’d at least err on the side of caution, in case it isn’t intended that you have to do the quests.

Also having this issue on all my characters. I was flying (classic style) just fine a couple days back. I never bought or played Dragonflight, I’m doing a loremaster run of all the previous expansions first.

There’s no button in my mount journal or skyriding spell in the general tab of my spellbook. I played on the PTR to test out dragonriding for the first time, so I know where these UI elements are supposed to be. They simply aren’t there for me on live realms.

I’m not gonna cancel my plans to play through each expansion in order just so I can skip ahead to do half of the first zone in Dragonflight to regain the ability to use Steady Flight. So I guess I’m waiting for a fix.

I`m on the same boat here.

Quitted during Shadowlands and never played DF.

Now Im back and before starting WW, I want to finish SL and DF, but since pre-patch I cant fly anymore with any of my mounts.

I won`t skip ahead to DF just to unlock regular flight again and then come back to SL to finish it, so I hope they provide a fix soon.

I also hope that when WW launches they allow characters below lvl 70 to lock their XP, so that I cant finish each zone properly without worrying about overleveling.

edit: here`s to hoping they realize there are people that want to follow the story chronologically and that these changes and restrictions are affecting them.

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far as I can tell its fixed now!

It’s fun to imagine there are grown adults who think this way

Blizzard is stupid. There is no reason to have new starter quests to do something you literally were able to already do. Can’t stand this type of gatekeeping. Flat out stupid. If Dragonriding type of flying is now required everywhere I’m quitting because that system is garbage.

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Your are indeed an esteemed adult and valuable member of the WoW community. This gate keeping is done because BlizZard had their ego hurt badly when players said that systemlands story was bad.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

Satire or unhinged? Hard to tell because you just liked two posts from the unhinged poster so :dracthyr_shrug:

LOL stay mad!

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Thank you so much! I found the toggle!