What happened to flying?

So indeed the issue was that I hadnt completed the dragonriding questline. After doing that i am able to fly again and the toggle button appears. Thank yoi for everyone who replied with not just that i needed to do the questline but also how to find the icon. I will leave this up as i want to make sure anyone like me who returned after an extended break to the same confusion can see and hopefully be helped.

For those who felt the need for snark for whatever reason, I hope you have the day you deserve.
Cant seem to find an answer and im sure im missing something. Basically after not playing for a couple years, I started playing again and only have dragonflight expansion. Today my level 60 hunter cant seem to fly anywhere anymore. Please tell me what Im missing? Im maxed at 60 but it seems like i lose ability to fly in places like orgrimmar unless i update to the expansion after dragonflight???


They made skyriding the default - a beyond idiotic decision. You need to click the icon to switch flying modes if you want regular flying.


I guess thats where im lost. Bare with me as its been a while since i have played, but i dont even see a button to toggle between the two? I stopped playing shortly after i bought dragonflight expansion and upon mu return did the chromie time so i dont even know how to get dynamic flying or sky flying. Sorry for beinf a bit noobish here but lots changed in two years

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Day after pre-patch and asking about flying changes. You must have known what was happening. This is bait right?


No this is someone who hasnt played since dragonflight expansion and just started playing again recently. I legit said im sure im missing something and because there have been so many changes since i last played it was an honest question. How do i go about getting flight ability back


What a stupid comment. Having us unable to fly until we figure out that we were defaulted to skyriding and need to find an icon to click to revert that is not exactly something we were warned about.


you was warned about it there are several youtube videos about what is coming on the prepatch

I literally just started replaying the game. Last time i played consistently was right aftet dragonflight release. All im trying to find out is what do i do to get flying back as clearly i apparently dont even have dynamic flying even though I have been able to fly past two weeks. I realize i missed something but parden me for thinking a forum for wow users was the inappropriate place to ask a question. Carry on.


No I believe you. Not everyone watches youtube videos of WoW personalities as we just want to play the game.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


There’s a button on your mount collection…


And also in your spellbook…



Thank you. I apparently dont have sky flying (formally dragonflying) which I guess is what is causing my issue. Now off to dragonflight area to find out how to get what i need to fly again.


I never played in dragonflight and all my mains are at 60 and never unlocked dragon riding with them

When I logged on i could not fly at all. No Dragon Riding no regular flight. I jumped around to various characters and it was the same.

I had however unlocked dragon riding in Remix so I got on one of those characters and back to my main and that didn’t seem to help.

It wasn’t until after I logged on to my non remix Demon Hunter that my characters started getting Dragon Riding and regular flight.

I don’t know if it was a server delay or if was logging on to the Demon hunter, but it all seems ok now.

Weirdly I have under 20 characters that can’t do regular flight, but can do dragon flying.


That sounds like a bug, everyone should have access to it now, since Dragonflight has become the default base game.

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how do you not have it? It is unlocked for everyone at level 10 with or without a purchase of the expansion.

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Not everyone spends time on the forum, or even reads patch notes. My husband also plays WoW, and if I didn’t tell him what was going on, he wouldn’t have a clue, until he ran into something weird like the OP.

Honestly, I absolutely expect more people like the OP to show up in the forum not knowing what’s going on with flying, or absolutely hating the absolute downgrade we got with the 5 second toggle ability.

Yesterday, and for the last few months, we’ve been able to make a split second decision about which flight style to use, press a keybind, and in 1.5 seconds be on the way to wherever. Today, we have a downgraded version, because you have to do a 5 second cast to switch styles before you can then cast whichever mount for another 1.5 seconds.

I’m hoping there will be a LOT more pushback now that it’s live, and change will come.


If you “only have the Dragonflight expansion”, you never returned.


Yeah you can. You just decided to make the 4567846th post about it.

Oh my god, you had to click a single button. boo hoo


This is why better communication is important but that has been an ongoing issue for some time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:


You can to swap between Skyriding and Steady Riding at any moment via the Switch Flight Style ability, accessible by default on your mount tab, starting at lv20.