What happened to flying?

I was miffed I admit, figured since the timerunner I rolled had it, there’s something wonky going on. I made the slow trek back to Stormwind with my main and started up the dragon isles quest chain. Played until finishing the dragon riding portion and am able to get airborn on all my alts that are flight worthy now. (I only have 6 toons total)

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Have you tried checking the patch notes? It was mentioned there. This is a live service game. Things change on the regular and it’s best practice to checks patch notes.

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This seems more like a bug. My lev 50 also cannot fly. He has zero chance of going to dragonflight. So if a new player comes in, they are literally grounded until lev 60 and advance into dragonflight and do a questline

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Dragonriding is cool, but you need the tutorials, which are in panda remix and dragonflight and probably elsewhwere. In panda remix, the quests are pibk triangles i think. You may need to collect the golden orbs in the sky around dragon flight.

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Why? You can go to Dragonflight from level 10 now.

It’s the default Chromie leveling zone since the prepatch was launched.

Did not realize that, thanks.

To al the trolls/rude people that are inevitably going to give “are you stupid” type of responses, this still leads into the primary issue of the game should be intuitive enough on its own to let me know that even though I have flying learned, have had flying mounts since BC, and have been able to fly in SW since Cata, I’m not allowed to fly anymore until I visit previous expansion content I’ve never stepped foot in. Better yet, Bliz should be competent enough to not take that ability away in the first place.


For me it seems like first time that flying got nerfed everywhere instead of just new expansion area which threw me for a loop. Add on that after not playing for two years I was behind on the flying lingo so it took me sometime to catch up. I just stopped responding to rude comments. If they want to spend thier time being unhelpful and snarky so be it. I appreciate all who were helpful and now when i read the forums and patch notes I wont be so lost!

Now you can add flying to your list of things that are updates.

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The button is in your spell book, general tab under the expandable button for Skyriding…or whatever. You’re not the only confused person, it took me a bit to find it.

Barring the unlikely unannounced stealth change since the PTR was taken down a few days back, it’s definitely a bug. A guildie was on the PTR and the toon he copied over that never went to dragonflight lands could still fly in SW.

Just to confirm that Drutrolah (the OP) is legitimately reporting a core bug IMO. I am seeing the same bug that there is no option/icon in collections or skills tab to disable skyriding / using steady flight despite screenshots,etc. This is therefore preventing me from ANY traditional flight in ANY region of the WOW world (Orgrimmar for example) on any of my level 60 alts. These worked fine before the update. I rolled my first character back in 2005 so have been around the bug block. I am completely disabled until this is resolved.


Thanks for confirming that that Drutrolah and I (and I suspect many others) are experiencing a bug. I hope it gets fixed quickly, Like you, I can’t fly at all in any zone when I was able to two days ago.

For those who have the no Skyridding button issue and no flight, go to the Dragon lands, on a toon (see Chromie if needed) do only the main story quests, ignore everything else for now. You will get to a point maybe 6 or so main quests in, where you get a quest that teaches you Skyridding. Once you complete it you will have the button and unlock both Skyridding and regular flight on your toons. You don’t need to do the tutorial just complete the quest to learn it. I hope this helps and yes I had this issue and yes this did fix it for me.


Its superior in everyway, and most people like it. The debby downers of wow can handle pressing a button

Talents > spellbook > General > Skyridiing > the last icon to the far right is the toggle

Go to your MOUNT Journal section and the option is on the TOP RIGHT you seriously can’t miss it.

Panda remix has it where you can skip to it quickly.

I had an alt that had done it there and I still didn’t have any flight on other toons nor any buttons to switch flight styles. I figured I’d do the Dragon lands instead to see if that would work instead. It did so someone else will have to confirm if that route works. I suspect that the issue is affecting those that hadn’t played the Dragon expansion.

red flag

Everyone gets it at level 10 i believe, since the patch went live.

if its not in your spellbook / mount collection, something is wrong.
Either with your game or your story.

It appears that for people who have never done any quests in the Dragon Isles, they won’t have access to the button. For whatever reason, Steady Flying is linked to the Dragon Riding quests.