What happened man

Trump for War Chief 2024

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What happened? took over and it looks like this expansion will be a snooze fest at this point with all these dead horde guilds lol!

Yeah I have no idea what they are doing in this expac, have not had any interest. Not subbed at this time.

A high point from the IGN review is that you can play the game with AI rather than with real people. Very strange to me. Backwards in my opinion to play an MMO where you do not need to interact with people.

Maybe that point is a bit overblown, but a weird downwards pit my thoughts get drawn to.

Truly, this is an enthusiast game, with an enthusiast consumer following, and there is nothing fantastically new here to be offered.

The business will continue because microtransactions are profitable. I guess?

To even get into this game from a younger generation, There is so much to learn to even scrape together a great time of success and accomplishment.

There is not an established phenomenon to draw more customers in as there was in the past. There are so many other avenues and options in gaming.

Especially strange, the behaviors and interest that wow players flock towards classic versions of the game that make up a huge portion of the most recent community.

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Tell that to the three week bans they been throwing at everyone lately for nothing.


Something a felon would say

No, he’s right. I get a week/2week silence like every other time I post and I’m only mildly autistic. I cant imagine what would happen if someone were to go full retard

What about AI Villages and capitols.

That aim to level and their would be many.

Then, reputation points with these different AI.

This is obviously an AI generated comment

Probably had nothing to do with those recordings.

Y’all are still around
. That’s crazy

We out here

What a great post. Oh the good times were had


game dead since wod

mop classic on grob next year, be there or miss out

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It’s “Be there or be square”

Andrew happened. Once he took over ISR, that guild became about twitter wars and trolling people instead of respect and RP. He killed the soul of that group and I am sure it’s never recovered. I left when I found out and though I rejoined a couple times over the years (to see if things had returned to normal) it never was the same.

I’ve been playing for 14+ years and I’ve never been banned, what have they (you?) been doing? lol


yeah buddy that’s not it

That guy came here in mop and left after TMO hunted him down day n night to the point he never left the city and went back to BH

ED died cause the game literally just has sucked since wod and all the fun people on ED quit because of it.

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It was zerg guilds and CRZ that wounded it and Warmode that finished it off. ED was always about roleplay, balance and the constant vigilance against getting got. Once people were able to put on their water wings it was all over.

Oh they’re making mop? I need to level in cata to catch up. How fun!

 we didn’t realize how good we had it.