What happened man

Indeed. Always nice to see a fellow intellectual around here.

Bold of you to assume I haven’t :wink:

wriggles wriggles tongue tongue

wriggles tongue

So many memories. Nyx and KotE and Gor’watha and Knights and all the others. Even the Zerg wpvp was a blast. So much ED forum drama lol.
I wish I could find out what Aitana and Nak and Cobriana are up to these days. Good to see you’re still here Rav.

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Where you at these days Mort?

In a bathtub making toast with one sock on and one sock off and half a bottle of vodka.

When the white rabbit eats it’s own head, I’ll drop the toaster in the tub

ED didn’t change, man. You did.

is this thing on?


Same old stuff here. Just moved servers. Wanted a fresh experience.

It’s good to see you’re here Bhootam. I still remember you well. Do you remember that storyline with Fiori, the Knights of Dawn, and Zajiwa, Tishavi, and Massive Mojo?

It was a pretty epic event.

ahhh good ol ED, good times

This is a thread of old men shouting at clouds.

There be Devs in those clouds, but they have forsaken us.

Trump 2024

Too many sensitive people waiting for the moment to report someone for saying something they deem offensive at the moment. So ya no one talks hardly anymore, never thought i would miss trade chat spam that had nothing to do with trade.


I mean, people were getting mass reported for saying anything at one point if certain groups of people didnt like them…


The left minded spam report in trade, just like Llua mass bans and silences The Guard for conquering EDC and EDCtwo.

NONE can oppose our reign, we win at every avenue.


yup I had the screenshots for years and years until a house move made me lose them. Was so fun. I still have a toon in that will stay there for old times’ sake.

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Have no fear friend. We have been back in these lands cleansing them, pulling the weeds that have plagued Emerald Dream for too long. We will MAKE EMERALD DREAM GREAT AGAIN!!!

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