What happened man

I told you there was such a thing as Trash Goblins Llu.

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Well yeah, the general consensus is retail wow has gone in a horrible direction, because it pretty obviously has.


Yeh, thats just translated to people being angry at people still playing or trying to do stuff in game, see above. It’s pretty wild.

Like, I dont think the game is in a great place by any means. But I still find aspects of it enjoyable, enough to keep me playing.

Quite a few of us like that actually.

Ok to be upset with the game, just focus your frustration at the Devs or something, or
 play something else.

if you play retail you’re a garbage human being


Jesus Christ dude this has become sad. Nobody’s miserable, nobody needs help except maybe you. Just because we’re laughing at you and not with you doesn’t mean we’re unhappy. Far be it from little old me to speak for Uncle Heltor but what were trying to say is that you need to stop clinging like a dried up turd on Bobby Kotick’s puckered butthole and realize the good old days are over. You’re reaching for something that isn’t there and that’s why you’re a joke. Hate me all you want but you know I’m right.

Just give me control of the server so I can disband it.

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People like to complain the game is dead because of phasing, wmode, and etc. Yes all these things made the game and the server objectively worse. If we don’t have people trying to change or make things better then we are stuck at 0. If you have people trying why not use the energy to support or help instead of bringing down the attempt by being pessimistic about it. It was like being deployed in the middle east
no need to complain about how hot it is
we all know it sucks
lets try and do something which may or may not of resorted to real stupid shenanigans but it was better than not doing anything if atleast for the funny factor.


Of course do you, but personally I would encourage you to find a better use of your time than spending it on something that by your own words is “objectively” bad lol.

From my perspective they’ve eliminated most aspects of the game leaving behind very little potential for enjoyment. WPvP has basically been eliminated, which was always the engine of ED, PvP in general is in a horrible state, probably worse than ever before, etc. Basically the only aspects of the game left intact are like transmog and to some degree PvE, they’ve ruined everything else. At this point it seems like a glorified chat room with a lame in game store that sells garbage. Maybe that’s enough for someone. That is not enough for me, hence I have no place in retail. They ran off people like me and decided to market to the lowest common denominator of simpleton that cried and cried for years until all their demands were met. Now their subs are bottomed out with no end in sight, or any hope for improvement. Seems like Blizzard now is ran by corny woke low-life’s who couldn’t design a product to save their lives but they can definitely ruin other, more talented, people’s art.

So yeah if you want to smoke crack it’s your life, feel free, we won’t stop you lol

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You coming back to grob for wrath heltor?

The wpvp here is pretty active and it’s almost a 50/50 server now

You’re acting as if anything the players can do can fix these problems or mitigate them in any significant way. The people holding the tools to actually fix the issue have flat out said they have no intention to. I’ve been on deployment too, I know well the big green weenie and “embracing the suck”. This isn’t even comparable to what you’re speaking of, you can walk away at any time and you’re choosing to bang your head against the wall. You’re trying to act as though if you can get everyone to agree the sky is red, it’ll make the sky red. It’s never going to happen. I laugh at flat earthers and climate change deniers too, at this point that’s what you are if you think “just being pessimistic about it” is the problem here. The game is broke my dude, no amount of “thinking happy thoughts” is going to fix it

Grobb is literally the only classic server that isn’t massively imbalanced. Also, random BGs outside of level 19 premades that are seemingly scheduled at specific times, simply do not exist prior to 70. Classic is a hollow imitation of how the game used to be. Wrath will only splinter the remaining community even more.

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Oh no, Grobb has a 50/50 balance?! That’s so terrible for literally no one. Classic at its worst is still a million times better than retail at its best. As if Wrath, the hands down most popular expansion that WoW ever had, is going to drive players away? Even by your own admission Grobb has the best faction balance for WPVP of any server. Not sure what point you think you’re making here but you sure as sh!t aren’t very good at doing it

(Oh, btw that 50/50 balance you see on grobb actually applies to Grobb. No sharding, no off realm phasing, no WM. Just one server with a real RPPvP identity that doesn’t need to be artificially forced. Revive the dream :clown_face:)

nobody RPs on grobb



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Rent free.

Great questions. My answer comes as a former co-GM of one of the most successful guilds on Emerald Dream before “what happened” happened. And besides, I was on the sever between patch 5.1 and sometime around late Legion. The guild was called Lioncrest.

Times change; both the people that involved themselves on the realm and the state of the game itself. Everyone takes a bit of the blame then; the developers for changing game philosophy, and the playerbase for not keeping the dream alive any which way.

By the time of Battle for Azeroth, servers with the PvP tag had it removed alongside the rest of all the realms. WPvP was now a mainstream choice people could make and no longer mandatory. It was a change in the developers philosophy with how they wanted to handle it all. This killed the momentum of RP-PvP anywhere in World of Warcraft regardless of your realm. By then though the WPvP scene on Emerald Dream wasn’t so hot anyway. Horde zerg guilds really tuckered out Alliance motivation to fight back.

Lioncrest moved to Wyrmrest Accord because of its larger open world Alliance and Horde RP pools. More Capital City activity. More recruitment potential. Less mandatory WPvP, RP gankers, zerg guilds, etc. We moved at some point during late Legion; I can’t remember exactly when because it was some point around 5 years ago.

But you can note what I just said about why my guild and I left, and perhaps reflect on it for why others have left. Emerald Dream wasn’t in a good state of affairs and for quite a while it never felt better. Especially as an Alliance guild where it felt like every week our faction WPvP wise was being slaughtered by the zerg guilds and our capitals raided. A likely excuse is, “Well just muster forces and do it back!” but that’s a lot of wasted effort for an artificial conflict. We knew there were greener pastures to migrate toward and we invested into it and none of us regretted the transition. Cyberbullying brought on by the worst of ED’s Horde community back then also accelerated our migration off the server (and yes, proper reports were made in attempts to stop it from happening).

I think the largest reason why Emerald Dream’s not doing so hot is because roleplay in general across World of Warcraft has been getting segregated over the years. ED players (Alliance and Horde) left for Wyrmrest Accord because it was doing better as a whole. And now apparently, Alliance on WRA are flocking to Moon Guard because it’s doing better for their faction. It’s now a truly growing issue where Alliance RPers are stuffed on one realm, and Horde RPers are stuffed onto another. It also doesn’t help there’s a WoW private server called Epsilon that has players flocking to it because it’s one giant sandbox where they can alter the entire game world with console commands among other things.

In my opinion, the developers should remove the RP tag from all but one realm, or make a new realm that’s exclusively tagged RP and remove the tags of the rest. Have all the NA World of Warcraft roleplayers flock to that one specific server with transfers free of charge or on discount. That would solve the issue with segregating factions, bring everyone together, and then if you miss RP-PvP you got a strong chance of making some with the opposing faction by 9.2.5.

But that’s what I hope. So what next? In actuality, Emerald Dream is just pooped out of luck. Roleplay is guild-focused and the population is low for them, and there’s no way that’ll magically change back to what it was in MoP, WoD, or Legion. My advice to anyone is accept that fact for what it is worth and do your best to survive and breed growth, or move realms. Or if it’s too unbearable, just quit the platform and find a healthier roleplaying one. I just don’t condone flocking to a private server to cope with the addiction to WoW and its RP. In patch 9.2.5 we’re seeing a cross-faction system coming to life so cross-faction RP has great growing potential. It’ll be strictly down to the playerbase everywhere to capitalize on it, advertise the quality of their roleplay communities, and support one another. Don’t repeat history by starting petty feuds or drama, making zerg guilds, or ganking roleplay flagged in PvP. Emerald Dream can either spiritually follow its roots as a RP-PvP server or let it go and try for something new. Whichever way it goes, make it high quality stuff. Give me a reason to come back. And best of luck making it happen.



tl;dr 10 chars

Prank him, John!

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