What happened man

ah the good times


We can bring back the good times. No other game fills this void. Let’s get it.

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Since we’re sharing old ED pvp videos, I’ve been holding onto this video of roswends attacking ironforge for many years. (for those of you who remember who roswends is) Now seems like a good time to share it. (I didn’t make it, I just had a copy of it on an old HDD)


What we need is a few more strong dwarves!

Any horde defectors out there? :slight_smile:


ahahahhahahahahahahahahaha rip.


Miss you!!!
P.S. ED is slowly coming back,
In the past 2 weeks, a lot of us have returned to our home.


Holly ED is never coming back lol
 you and I both know the only chance ED could have a revival is if they remove phasing and sharding
 and yeah, good luck with that.


Retail carebears don’t get that ED is dead. You’re not gonna “revive the dream” because “the dream” has been replaced by a shared/layered joke of what it once was. It’s impossible to bring back old ED on retail because Blizzard has intentionally designed it to be impossible. Grobb is the closest well ever get but retail carebears can’t hack it in classic so they have to cry here and act like there isn’t an option that delivers everything they wish they had because the difficulty is too steep. At least these forums are still fun to antagonize them even if the server has gone to sh!t.

Senneca, are you going to be ok?

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Emerald dream will never be like it was in the past, I get that. The moment Blizzard implemented phasing/shards/wm and got rid of servers totally ruined the small community feel.

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I’m perfectly OK. I’m living in the real world. You might want to ask yourself the same question since you’re the one chasing after something that doesn’t exist. I’m just here for the lols

I’m enjoying myself atm very much thank you.

It’s ok to step away from this game if you’re not liking it anymore though. Also ok to step away from this community too.

Berating people and trying to make them feel like you feel, when theyre ok or making the best of it, isn’t helping anyone though. Look kind of sad, tbh.


It’s ok to point at the clown show when you “make the best of it” by pretending reality isn’t real. Sharding isn’t going away, WM isn’t going away, realm merging is not going away, WPvP isn’t coming back. You’re not “reviving the dream”, the game has been deliberately engineered to ensure you can’t, but you retards keep trying anyway. Talk about sad. Don’t get butthurt when people make fun of you when you make yourself into a joke.

Yeh, because attacking the people here, is the best use of your time in regards to all that?

I know I for one, would love for those things to change, but they haven’t and probably wont so
 ??? I still have things I do enjoy though, and I still have many friends active and playing

I appreciate that instead of taking these thoughts to the other sections of the wow forums, to ask for changes etc, you decided to
 attack people still playing instead??? FoR ThE LuLz. You’ve been a consistent nuisance here for like a year now

Not only are you doing this, you are also
 still actively paying for a sub and even still on retail? I saw you in Org, on Emerald Dream, like a day ago

So, who is the clown???

Like just play something else. You’ll be fine. I quit playing for 7 months, only came back recently. It was good to step away, try it. You’re just angry and lashing out at people, the wrong people, for no reason.

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I love how you keep making (wrong) assumptions about me, yet think you’ve got it all figured out. Why would I waste my time begging for changes Blizzard has long since decided they’re unwilling to make? That’d be just as autistic as continuing to try to build up an RP/WPvP scene and server identity on retail. Oh wait, that’s you! I have an active sub for Classic and it’s one of many games I play. I do pop on retail from time to time just to see how bad it’s gotten. Doesn’t mean I care about it. Keep actively reacting to somebody who’s clearly trying to bait you into a reaction. The more upset you get, the more fun this is for me.

One of us is definitely upset.

Sure is :rofl: :clown_face:

You just wrote several paragraphs when you could’ve summed it all up with “u mad” because that seems to be your overarching point anyway lol

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Nah, my intent was to maybe help them step away from this stuff, but im not very concise with my writing and go on tangents etc.

I used to like Senneca a lot, the events they held in Booty Bay, etc. They were one of the last people actively doing RP stuff. They were completely different like a year or two ago, and they just seem miserable as hell now and cant let it go.

Seems thats pretty common for most of the WoW player base though.