What happened man

RIP. Multiboxing and War Mode killed my boy…

So…… ugh.

Anybody there?


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Any active alliance pvp guilds on ED still?

It’s dead. I wish I could be more help.

He come to me with money in his hand! He offered me, I didn’t ask him, I wasn’t knocking someone’s door down, I was running from that! When I got out, I was in that. I was already through that, I had that, I had the studio, I went to the studio! I went to Vox Studios. I had it all, and I looked at it and said: ‘This is a bigger jail than I just got out of.’
I don’t want to take my time going to work, I got a motorcycle and a sleeping bag and ten or fifteen girls! What the hell I wanna go off into – and go to work for? Work for what, money? I got all the money in the world!
I’m the king, man, I run the underworld, guy! I decide whose does what, and where they do it at! What am I, gonna run around and act like I’m some teenybopper somewhere, for somebody else’s money? I make the money, man, I roll the nickels, the game is mine!
I deal the cards

Beware, God is watching
God is watching

You’re an expansion or two late I’m afraid.

Did you comment on your own comment? Dude, come on. Get out of your house and make something of yourself, please.

I paid him to do that. Back off, or there will be consequences.

Don’t do WotLK!


Ba-da-bu-ba-baaaaaaaa! You’re still a McVirgin

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Not true. He left his mic on one night.

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yeah, if they enter naxx theyll be on a one way journey straight to the maw. Just dont even do it, if you do, make sure im involved, cuz Id like to help these idiots.


See you in northrend


I cannot wait, man. I want WotLK so bad. I can finally enjoy PvP again.

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Once wotlk comes out, it will all be better. We’ll all come back to crash bandicoot.

you’re so irrelevant, get with the times.