What happened man

Doesn’t really seem to matter, you’re so boring and predictable you literally can’t stop yourself from taking the bait every time. How many posts ago was it when you said “you were out?” You’re not very good at this lmao

Man I miss the Cata-WoD of these forums where I could come home from work and spend a solid hour and a half catching up on all the three 26 page capped threads and the 20 page threads that cap by the time I get to reading it all.

Now I catch up while takin a piss.

*takes butter elsewhere *


Yep, I’m honestly feeling the same way. My sub is up at the end of the month, haven’t played retail in over a year and I just don’t care anymore. Classic is 1000% better but I don’t have time for the grind. ED is a dried up dog turd baking on the sidewalk and the only ones left are the flies like Llu who are still clinging on not realizing there isn’t any juice left to suck out. This will be my final post on these forums. I’m bored with this place and all the people worth talking to are gone or on Grobb. Good riddance


Still can’t believe that Himanshu is Chris Chan


Now, Now… Lluagor ain’t so bad. I’ve honestly been and have met worse people myself.

And hey, say what you will about the b@stard. He’s at least putting the work in, sticking around, and trying to hold things together. Objectively.

Sup boys??

Dunno why its still letting me post, my sub ended like 3 weeks ago.

There arent forum restrictions anymore.


At least FFXIV has been fun. Last time WoW was fun was Legion.

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I miss what ED was.

But hey

WotLK Classic

Death shall claim this world!


magical thread

Started before this and is covering on male.blood elf strippers in Black Temple swoosh

Reminds me of Jonestown

“I want you to be like I am”

“I want you to become what I am”

“I want you to enjoy the fearlessness that I have, the courage that I have, the compassion I have”

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To be honest for me. Life happened. Probably the same with everyone else. The game is just not as interesting for me anymore. I still have my account and I still pay a subscription. maybe at some point ill come back on, but classic is not entirely for me as there is nothing new. Modern is just so dumbed down to maximize profits with the very least amount of effort that it’s hard for me to care much for this game.

Yeah sharding and WM definitely were contributors, but most of the fault comes from the people themselves.

It’s been a negative feedback loop. People leave the server cause they thought by getting a change of scenery they would fix their problem. Sure moving to a new place for a “Fresh Start” sounds good on paper. But if you move to another city to escape a crack addiction and you end up smoking crack again in the new place. then what have you really done?

There is hope for anything that we do and it’s based on cultivating meaningful relationships and meaningful work that will, in the end, make a stronger community no matter how much drama is done in RP, PVP, or IRL.

We are all different in the end but it’s finding the common causes that we can stand on and build proper foundations on.


It seems to me that WoW Classic and Burning Crusade happened. Many RP’s left for that and the overall user base has been split.

I know a fair few amount of people coming back for Wrath Classic. A finally good expansion for PVP and relatively liked by most of old school EDers.

After that, safe to say most of us are closing the book on WoW for good.

Hope to see you guys there

I wish other servers in game were more open to RPPVP, rping player combat without it is so clunky and horrid. I’m hoping WotLK will respark the fire, we’ll see though.

It pains me a little over how those days from MoP and before (plus some of WoD, like at the start) are dead. It sucks that the players can’t even bring any of that type of gameplay back ourselves due to WM. I don’t even recognize people I group up with in WM either. Sucks