What happened man

Yeah okay, you were denying all of it 3 months ago and then you went completely nuts. The game I love is dead and that’s just how it is. That’s almost as sad as you trying to twist everything that happens around you.

Hi, I’m Ishomragaku. I’ve been here for a long time but most of you don’t know me. I have a crippling Jenkem addiction. Jenkem gets me through the day, Jenkem gets me through this content drought. When Blizzard can’t release new content because of constant sexual harassment of female employees I just deficate into a plastic water bottle and leave it in the sun and in a few days I won’t even care. Jenkem washes all the troubles away in a wave of lukewarm brown sludge that purifies the mind. Jenkem is good, Jenkem is god.


Incredibly progressive.

-mortignis liked this post :+1:



Progressive and horde in the same forum topic.

Blizzard might as well just merge Emerald Dream.


I miss the Cataclysm and MoP Era. The last time I truly felt like this game was great. Legion almost had this for me.

I miss The Crimson Tide, and most of the hi-jinks from those days man. Nothing has quite compared since.

Hi Helldadin. Think I’ve seen you around on my shaman once or twice. This game is just dead and should be buried.

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Yup, this is the end. Everything I stand against they have perpetuated and allowed to permeate into every corner of this game. Friday Night will be a thrill and also the end of my WoW tenure.

Whether it was Warsong Battalion, Project Mayhem, Ironsworn Regiment, Mike Morgan, chop city, SERVER KING LLUAGOR or otherwise, you were allowed to partake in the twisted nonsense you did in WoD because Blizzard’s culture revolved around the same notions that people are just tools and that they can be treated like trash if they don’t know any better. You used deception, manipulation and cronyism to try and “control” the server and led it to be a shell of itself. You all disgust me and now the entire community understands the abhorrent conditions that led me to make a stand against you and your ilk.

It would be magical if there were federal investigations into blizzard servers. You all deserve to know fear for the things you’ve done to people who didn’t know any better. For everyone else, It’s been a pleasure and a privilege to share Emerald Dream with you.

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The fact you think Lluagor was on Emerald Dream in Warlords of Draenor is very revealing of the fact that you’re just clawing for attention.

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So you’re telling me that he made an Emerald Dream Discord and he wasn’t even on ED in WoD? Not only that he’s gone after me multiple times for talking about this subject? Everyone sees you for what you are Scabs lol.

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Yeah, that’s the most damning thing for you actually. You tried to level accusations at me randomly the second I asked you to substantiate a claim. Anyone that witnessed that, or how desperately you tried to backtrack and compliment me on stream to save face, knows that you’re just a human acne pustule.

Don’t burn bridges if you can’t swim in deep water, brainlet.

The video is up on youtube, to pretend that’s how it went down is to try and twist reality. You really think people are dumb and can’t see you for what you are.

I’ve read the ToS, genius. Nice try, though.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a time machine


Scabber #1

Good riddance helly boy it was a pleasure meeting you and taking you down after you stole personal pictures of me and MY FAMILY. Not only did you use my personal photos you made numerous videos making fun of how I look and accusing me of things that have never happened. You act as if you know certain players and the history of ED when really you were just fishing for attention with your dumb-A*(& conspiracies. Conspiracies, slander, and defamation!
Your 1st ever video was you sitting there saying how you are exposing all these people then turn around and call the “victim” the R word multiple times. Hopefully one day you will finally grow up and see what you have done. The only one twisting the truth is you helly boy. BYEEEEEE

Bow Down to your Queen


I’m sorry I destroyed your online persona while protecting your identity and not doxxing you.

You abuse cats, you pretended to be 30 while actually being 50 and you were the most vocal detractor when I was talking about harassment and exploitation of young men and women in the game.

Everyone sees you for what you are as well.

Abuse cats? You do realize that picture was not even mine and it was not my cat. It was some random picture I found on the internet. You can search for yourself if you want to since IM sure you still have my pictures on your computer.
I never pretended to be younger than I was, the majority of players knew I was older, married, and had kids.

Second: YOU TOOK MY PICTURES without my CONSENT I don’t care about mine since the community has seen me, Ive even met some players in RL but you used pitcures of my FAMILY including my child! You also made fun of my Dead Aunt’s smile and made fun of my Childs overwatch character.

When I went after your first video it was because you were calling a girl the R word over and over again it had nothing to do with the allegations. Then you flipped out on me just like you do whenever someone goes against you.

Bow down to your Queen

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Isn’t it funny how in folklore witches seem extremely beautiful until you’re in their clutches :stuck_out_tongue:

If what you’re saying is true, why haven’t youtube or twitch taken down my videos?

What are you even talking about? You’re so weird.

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How your fake online persona is a front for the monster you actually are.

What is my fake persona? Show me proof or if you want I can show you some of my old wow videos and streams where my face is right there.
Show me proof of all your allegations towards members of ED not just ss of your girl flirting with another guy.

If I’m such a monster how come I have such a large fan base and you don’t? It’s time to shut up.

Bow down to your Queen

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I did, you tried reporting it to youtube and twitch and long after servers go down I will keep that video up. Tee hee.