What grinds your gears

They weren’t loved as a child so they get attention the only way they know how: from negativity.

WoW’s analytics team, if they even exist.

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Phasing/sharding between zones. Weird how walking from one zone to the other with people on my server and not having them disappear is now a legacy expansion feature.

Outright racism in Trade Chat. Reported each and every time.

People leaving a dungeon/raid after 1 wipe

Rude to new players and flaming them for asking questions. I’m pretty sure those same people had those same questions whenever they started.

The Primalist Future WQ, those who stand on the platform waiting for the final dude to spawn. I can’t remember his name.

Breaking open a Rock Wall, and someone snakes you on the node. This occurs when a mob spawns in said cave.

Rudeness and overall jackassery.

Guilds that is full of alts, and a RL that is husband and wife.

Doing corpse runs, and that one fool who is expecting a rez. You end up having to do it because the rest of said party is there.

Doing battlegrounds with no plan. If we did, 9/10 we are going to win. As a healer, when other healers refuse to heal. I love healing in battlegrounds.

0 tolerance and negativity to new players.

Playing with and helping new players is fun, more people should try it


I do that. It’s better than me letting off my steam on them. I think my leaving is better for me, and better for them, too.

I can certainly see situations where this can be annoying but I think you’re painting with broad strokes here. I prefer to play the game casually and much prefer the husband/wife guilds over the go-go-go-you-must-be-active-every-single-week type guilds.

Okay I’ll agree with you only as far as the person doing it sounds entitled and lazy. But on the all and whole I don’t see this as really a huge deal. Unless they start becoming jerks about it then I’ll happily remove them from the group for that. But I mean - what if they just needed to step away and visit the white throne for a moment? What if they needed to go get a drink? No need to get all over them about it.

It can also be stressful and frustrating, too. Yes it can be rewarding but it’s not for everybody. I’d rather people do it who want to do it than people feel forced like they have to because that would be good for absolutely nobody.


I get what you’re saying. Thread was about what grind your gears.

Different strokes for different folks. Just my opinion…

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You’re right. I get ya.

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Alot of my complaining is just that.

The community aspect is gone (im definitely not directing at you my friend.)


Being stuck in combat, long after I’ve killed everything around me… even after I have logged out.


Honestly, sweaty players who want to make it their life’s goal to ruin EVERY game they play.

I’m not talking players who enjoy a challenge, I’m talking about players who find their self worth through challenge, or rather, needless difficulty.

And it’s not just WoW, but any online (or offline) game made in the last 10 years. You thought people asking for an easy mode in a souls-like game were bad? They at least just wanted the option and that’s it. No, sweat lords want all casual, easy going content to go away.

Again, I’m not shouting about the dorks that actually like to have their teeth punched in by a video game. I’m talking about the people that will review bomb a game, or even go out of their way to antagonize people, simply because a game allows a lion’s share of people to not only beat the game but excel at it.

And the biggest example of this in WoW are the people screeching about how more people have good loot in 10.1.5. To them, I say: Good for those casuals.

Tl;dr: Sweaty gamers ruin everything and I’m tired of pretending they don’t.



Exactly. If people want a challenge, that’s totally cool, but I hate it when people act like they’re superior to others just because they play at a higher difficulty. For example, whenever I’ve seen people simply request that LFR difficulty not be timegated and instead be released all at once and at the same time or around the same time as the Normal version, I normally see a ton of people that come in and argue that those who only do LFR don’t “deserve” to get the entire raid at once.


You know what really grinds my gears?

Getting cc chained the moment I pop my dam cds…



Things on the forums tend to grind my gears more than in game. One of them is people who have these bright ideas about what the game needs but barely play the game.

Accidentally hitting reverse when you are going 60 mph!


Oh man, this has to be on the top of the list…

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I lol’d way too hard at this… well played…

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Was part of one of those teams in BfA. The wife would frequently get “disconnected” whenever she was done with healing (husband had no issues with his Internet and they lived in the same house). It was the most cliquey guild/raid team I was part of and my partner and I swiftly left that guild and realm.

Thanks for ruining Dalaran for us!

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Erm, how did they ruin the whole realm?


I’m thinking some serious SBD on the way out the door.

Male Human Rogue sprint animation…its an abomination.