What grinds your gears

The fact that you all accept mediocre game design and call it the best ever while you get sapped of all your money for pixels.

Loud annoying neighbors


Meta-gamers and min-maxxers.

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I mean, if you can do better, the world’s your oyster, mate.

I don’t have to make good games to be able to enjoy them that’s preposterous!

The first doesn’t exist in this game and the second doesn’t even really affect you?

What grinds my gears is when people pretend there isn’t timegate when the initial low levels aren’t affected, while the top 10 ilvls are essentially asking if you played the timegate enough, rather than grind.

Never will be worth it to deal with people over timegate as progress. Especially ones that have no missed week makeups like raid lockouts and weekly vault in order to FOMO you into worthless timegate. Someone at blizz wants their cake and to eat it too and doesn’t understand why it’s not worth it or meaningful.

It also grinds my gears that I feel like the only one who wants do learn raids all the way to mythic in pugs. I absolutely do not want to stick with a static group of people, but I do want to do group content and prog in groups. This issue compounds with the fact dealing with people isn’t worth it over timegate, so raiding feels like something I’m supposed to ignore and is just an advertisement stunt by blizzard and you’re just supposed to pretend like it doesn’t exist.

Don’t even @ me about PvP. I quit OW because it got old dealing with afkers and cheaters and Blizzard preferring to do the bare minimum for PR while it degrades into take-a-turn matchmaker. It’s not fun going against groups as someone who prefers solo, and it’s also not fun going against cheaters and toxics (which is why I gave up on PvP and do only PvE). Blizzard hardcore trying to bait me into PvP with cosmetics will NOT work, it will only further make me think someone in the company is trolling.

All in all due to various compounding issues, I’ve found it better to pretend the current xpac doesn’t exist and do legacy stuff solo, even if it means a gigantic hit on cosmetic grinding. Blizzard has managed to burn me enough to not want to be anywhere near their gearing systems or bait-into-timegate trash.

No, but if you’re going to crap on most of your fellow players, expect some pushback.

Fair enough point well served

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Arrogant role-players who believe everyone should cater to their god-powered OP super mega awesome edgy badass character and let them smite you with a snap of their fingers in any given argument or confrontation.

Or people roleplaying characters doing something unrealistically inappropriate in their current setting and expecting everyone to be okay with it. [I.e roleplaying a Demon and getting upset when people act hostile towards you or try to kill you in Stormwind or Orgimmar]


You would probably hate seeing me. I have a lizard named dog and a dog named cat.


People who block mailboxes with their mounts.


The average forum poster, who has an IQ sub 50, who thinks the logical answer to any post is “play with friends” or “get good.”


git gud! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

Most things that “grind my gears” in this game are things that Blizzard could easily fix but dont and refuse to communicate on.

Random example: The original DF world bosses rarely drop loot, why? Its not even good gear anymore. Bump the droprate or bump the ilvl, keep people interested in the current xpacs content.

Similar thing with Zaralek Caverns rares, nobody is doing them anymore. Nerf them so people can still kill them when nobody else is around.

And if there are good reasons to leave things the way they are, why not explain that to us? Why do we have to be a content creator to get questions answered anymore?

I could easily make a super long list of issues I see everyday.

Blizzard is too busy trying to fix what wasn't broken.

The absolute worst stupid thing that makes me mad is self inflicted. I mount up on my longboi, get ready to buy something… forget to click in the “quantity feild” and hit the number i want to buy



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No, because at least you gave them a name!


nothing grinds my gear more then explaining something like mechanics, skips, or strats and being viewed as a elitist.


Hunters that don’t name their pets are a big one for me! But also, people with seriously disgusting names in the game. Like… Am I wrong for wanting to name my characters something that makes sense for their race? Lol