When I see a Beast Mastery Hunter who not only didn’t give a name to their primary pet but didn’t bother naming their second pet either!
DPS and Tanks that don’t know how to do mechanics, don’t use defensives and are allergic to health potions
Fun fact: I stopped naming my hunter pets back in vanilla after reading a post by an individual that was extremely upset about being chased around BGs by generically-named pets.
Locks and hunters that seemingly don’t realize they can control their pets.
Other gears mostly
My forsaken hunter still has his first 2 pets, Spider the dog and Dog the spider
Improper lubrication, mainly.
Premade groups in Trial of Style.
I like the name mine were born with.
What grinds your gears
People being jerks to others.
Ha that’s funny. I do the same thing and it felt like other Hunters didn’t do that.
I even do that with pets that aren’t named. For example:
Famished Fangling - Fang
Glimmerfur Denwatcher - Glimmer
Desert Viperid - I would probably name it something like Viperi
I know it’s not creative but I can’t stand pun or really stupid names for my pets.
Wut r health pots?
The removal of mage’s water elementals for literally no reason.
That blizzard made flying a challenge to achieve because of some forum trolls.
Adding Pandas and Vulpera to the game
People who are in WM and don’t fight unless you’re out numbered, low hp, etc.
That’s both factions.
An alchemist’s version of a healthstone
The moment engineers can make gates, we’re screwed
Wormhole generators
On my evoker I grab someone to get them out of fire but they go back to where they were and die to a mechanic.
I tried…
Really angry people.
I get being frustrated, trust me, but you don’t put that on to some strangers. That just makes me upset more than anything. Owe up to your own mistakes and let folks sort out their own. Ya ain’t gotta shout at them.