What grinds your gears

Wherever people use the phrase “grinds my gears”

You sayin we dont know how to “controll” our pets shows you donno anything about them. Hell, half the time we cant even controll them ourselfs, lol

The number of times mine come back to me when im killin a pack (be it caz of that stupid bug), when there parthing screws up or when they really wanna hit a mob thats frozen/out of bounds caz my aoe was close to it… it just gets annoying for the hunters/locks. Also havin to resumm caz the pets stuck. that can take some time, time we all dont have

Also, can we make the summ pet and revive pet the same key… that would be helpfull, lol

Ketchup on hamburgers or hotdogs. It’s just tomato flavored sugar… ick.



Only having self checkouts up without conveyer when my shopping cart is full.

I like bbq sauce on my burgers or hotdogs. As long as there is onion and cheese on them too.

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Willful blindness.

BBQ sauce is okay because there are more flavors involved.



You haven’t once thought to mention pet command macros or special abilities. Thanks for proving my point. Have a blessed day!

One of two things: lack of lubricant, or mis-alignment.

Or when I have a connecting flight and my luggage gets an earlier flight home than I do. (And yes, that did happen about five or six years ago. Still slightly salty about it.)

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:gear: Gear Grinding:

People parking on top of Chromie with an interactive mount, and leaving no parts of her visible, so when you try to click on her or even on her pedestal , all you can get is their vendors. Worse yet, when they go AFK while doing it, and you can’t whisper at them to please move their mount. This one really irks me when I am just trying to level my characters.


Never mentioned caz there never needed

That when you sit down on benches like the ones in Stormwind City, Lion’s Rest. You sit on the EDGE of the bench and not squarely on it. You know, like a completely foreign way to permanently dimple a bit ol indentation on your #*$ across that edge.


Its most likely slippage in the transmission, your clutch isn’t properly disengaging before the rotation sets in, so you’re getting a GRAGRAGRAGRA noise. You might also want to take a look at the struts and suspension because getting that kinda slippage has got to be from rattling around too heavy, how long have you had lower back problems did you say? Hmm how old is your mattress?

Pug groups not knowing the mechanics to fights in an 11. Simple stuff that’s really obvious even. In lower keys, sure I get it, chances are people are over geared and it doesn’t matter.

Had a group fall apart recently because of simple deadly mistakes. Left (in a civil way) after two attempts of watching the group stand in bad over and over.

But oh well, that’s the risk you run with pug life.

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Knowing Blizzard is intentionally screwing hunters by allowing certain pets like the mammoths while at the same time removing others like the vorquin foal. They need to be consistent and either allow them all to remain or remove them all.

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That is really annoying and I agree with you - but for what it’s worth this may help: you can use Shift-V (unless you bound it to another key) to show friendly nameplates and right-click on her nameplate. That should make her interactable more easily that way.


I’m convinced people do that on purpose and just not her.

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have your puffles been ruffled?

When tanks don’t move the dang world bosses and allow the melee DPS to do their thing and we have to dodge around the garbage

When anyone swoops in and takes a quest objective you’re running towards (I’m looking at you DHs…)

When someone has the shorter weapon in their main hand when dual wielding, especially fist weapons it looks ridiculous.

When people go political in Trade at the drop of the hat.

Sorry! (As an aside, I don’t play my hunter much.)


This too.