What grinds your gears

The constant whining of PvPers when they get beaten by another class.

“Tyrande! I need you!”


on the flip side

people like you that dont understand we cant always control out pets. sometimes there pathfinding sucks butt, they may get stuck behind something (or if you movin faster then normal, like on a mount) and have to be resummed or even they may get stuck attacking a mob we skipped (like the wind dude thats disappears in vortex pinnacle)

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Needing to learn different patterns just to figure out how to use different colors of dye on a shirt. Like, c’mon.

big reason im not an alliance player. can still remember back in legion how she would cry and complain about her hubby being missing.

like dude, your a f-ing op elf, go get him yourself and stop crying over it

We have two major highways; apparently it’s the geriatric right to remain steadfast to a fault to be in the passing lane. Same goes for large vehicles.

All day long I drive; I have put up with one driver going 15 under and the other 15 over. They play cat and mouse weaving around each other.

And heaven help us if it rains. Apparently, in that moment, people suddenly act as though the tread on their cars won’t pass inspection. Meanwhile, they’re driving 4x4 gas guzzler trucks smh

I have road rage all day. Summer needs to end. The vacationers need to go home.

Labor Day can’t come fast enough

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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The social contract. Killed in-game chatting.

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Seems like this post comes up every now and then… I’ll answer the same way I did the last time:

What really grinds my gears is the ION STILL HAS A JOB!


Let’s see 60diamond grinder ,two cutter file and a hammer.

You think if i send these to him he can fix the game? Or does that require a welding torch?

Pugs that expect the healer to do 300% the amount of work and effort of everyone else, then get removed at the drop of a hat.

When people type Wow instead of WoW

my eyes hurt reading World of warcraft or world of warcraft

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I’m still mad over Shadowlands.

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Too many things, actually:

  • No decent-looking leather shorts
  • Legion timewalking dungeons
  • Not even close to enough trading post currency per month
  • The fact that a semi-recent wow patch makes it so my mouse, when I toggle autorun on button 4 (or button 5) but don’t fully release the button before right-clicking, it toggles again. So I’ll stop, interact, but then start running again because I didn’t release button 4 before right-clicking the interact target.
  • Vulpera

warriors that refuse to do m+ affixes & hunters that refuse to lust

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people who think mythic plus is the be all end all, and all balance / class design and everything about the game evolves around it. So sick and tired of hearing healer crisis or tank crisis because of people who force themselves to do high keys that doesn’t give rewards. Get over yourself.

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I already know I’m above these garbo PUGS, because I’m watching the CC Done meter this week and you have people doing basically zero CC. I will have like 30 Typhoon casts and 20 Hibernate casts and 15 Mass Roots, while also doing healing checks.

And then people will still have the audacity to talk crap to me. It’s just hilarious at this point.

I got yelled at by shamans and mages enough times that I don’t use mine unless asked specifically.

I tamed a named hyena back in vanilla and when they introduced the hound models, the model changed to a hound, but kept the generic name “Hyena”.

I agree. Every Hunter should at least have a monkey named after their guild leader.