What grinds your gears

You’re part of the problem. It’ll be a keel-hauling for the likes of you.

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Our town is full of deaf people with their big trucks and being old as the hills.

They’re old enough to put Model T on their first car owned. And they LOVE to go slow in the fast lane

:ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon:


Sounds like life here in Australia.


People just ignore these signs all the time.


When things are set up to take longer (in a super tedious, annoying way!) to artificially increase the content size…

The airport and zoomie tunnels we had to pass thru in shadowlands just to get from one zone to another is a prime example.

Absolutely maddening!!!


Raiders who get into discord with an entire raid and then act like we are all there to listen to them talk non stop like an idiot and then get mad when we tell them to shut up and listen for a second so we can… you know raid.

Also raid leaders that wont kick people.

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Don’t worry Karat, I don’t even name my hunters pets as well.

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When people complain at someone for complaining.

When a group doesn’t let me drink, especially after a botched pull where they made tons of mistakes and I saved them by using most of my mana.

Runner up: Being in a group with a mage, and they actually have to be told to drop mana buns, and then act like they are going out of their way.


The whole Crest system the 8/8 gear progession tied to it.the fact we cant exchancge Whelpling crests (the base low tier epic one we get a tonne of)for Drake Crests (second tier) and Drakes for the next one et. But hey Lets add a vendor who lets us Downgrade a rarer crest to a super common one we get flooded with if you are"not lazy" as in farmingout some per day.Crests not having a BoA tier like the rare quality ones for example.My main is sitting on 50 Whelpling crests which I dont want to vendor incase blizzard should and could swap the currency around come next or future patch. Zaralek Caverns being a basic outdoor normal/heroic raid depending on which area you are in.

Oh the whole Tier 3 failure which still has not changed blizzard havent uttered a word about it the community just took that hit and said thank you overords and resumed afk’ing wherever the latest easy content is.Oh and as a result of most of this I can see why Oceanic realms for the most part are ghost towns outside of 1-3 areas Valdrakken,Time Rift area,Mythic+/Raids. Countless times I have been around the open world in dragonflight and this goes back to before patch 10.1 and I would post up rares etc since I was going to tank them get not a single murmur in chat (even now I try to get a topic or convo going in chat while being sorrounded by 200+ people and its just crickets.I pressume its just the demographic of players or people are literally not even at there computer 90% of there log in time idk but I continue to do so because very rarely I get to help someone out and I enjoy that and I miss 10+ people rocking up to a rare you link or shout out in chat.

TLDR Dragonflight started off great then it showed its other face the darker kind that has in my opinion dropped Dragonflight right on the bottom of the list of wow expansions.And this is coming from a no lifer who tolerated BFA and Shadowlands

When Blizzard changes the Talent Tree and I have to respec without remembering what my old choices were. Now I keep screenshots. It is harder with many alts.

And on the same note: the game vomiting a ton of icons onto my action bars without permission, ignoring all my macros and leaving a big mess to clean up and delete. Only I should be deciding what goes on my bars and where.


What really grinds my gears? I work as a stocker/receiver at a local Lowe’s–best job ever, well for me haha–and I’ll list a few here.

  1. RDC–regional distribution center–is full of idiots. They LOVE to throw sh!t into the truck and make it very slobby.

  2. Idiots at RDC are careless with expensive item as well. We had a special order window in the truck and found out that they put other stuff on the top of it, causing it to be damaged thanks to their stupidities.

  3. Getting WAY too much items in trucks. Lately, we have been seeing really massive shipment on each trucks–talking about counts of 1200 to 1500 counts–and it has gotten too much to a point that it’s exhausting the heck out of me and lot of stress.

I’d list a few more but I’m lazy and I’d rather not to think about work.


I am guilty of this. Oops… :sweat_smile:

/moo :cow:


When warlocks have their tank pets out in dungeons. Or just the wrong pet in general

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Friction, usually



I still have PTSD from Valsharah questing

Damn, now I can hear it in my head.



I don’t name my pets unless I have a really clever name for them.

i got so many pets i cant be stuffed naming them all. i also change some names to be correct for the pet. like i named by bumblebee “bee”, caz it was named “wasp” (then i changed it to “Chrombee”)

for me it had to be the over cocky, tryhard or outright toxic people in game. some people take the game way to seriously. im her to play the game, not look at charts 24/7

also those people that bit…“complain” to others, even if the dugg/raid is going smoothy. i know for me im there to get gear, if i didnt need the gear i wouldnt be there/ would be doing a higher difficulty.

for a game side problem, the m lockout. for puggers or/and people that cant do m raids with there raid it can be very disheartening if they wanna get into it