What grinds your gears

Your alts are all trash. And you’ll never waggle like a draenei, barbie.

ill be sure to put ketchup on my next steak just for you.

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I will have you hanged if I witness this. That is sacrilege and carries the death penalty in some territories.

squirts ketchup on steak

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That’s it! We’re hanging a blood elf tonight! Get the rope and the heavy flamer!

pretty sure i used to do that when i was much younger. well it was either that, or A1 sauce…with all seasoning steak spice. wasn’t half bad honestly.

now i just use a good BBQ sauce. provided i can find good marinade. a shame they don’t sell it any more at the supermarket near me. :slightly_frowning_face:

Getting gnome stuck in the clefts of my hooves. They need to pay attention to their betters and get out of the way.

better to get gnome sausages stuck in your teeth then. speaking of which…goes to the freezer and throws some frozen brewfest sausages on the grill :yum:

luckily there’s only about a month to go before the event returns once more.

Tusks of mannoroth not dropping.

While I don’t agree with A1, it is acceptable, seeing as it was specifically formulated for steak use.

One of the most annoying things in this game are quests that are designed specifically to waste time. I know technically this whole game is for wasting time, but some quests are just extra annoying.

The ones where it just has to run around a small area and click random things. Like the one with the centaur where you cook the meat… it’s so irritating.

Or the one when you first arrive on the dragon isles and ride that observation disc thing. You just click three buttons but they all have a cinematic and cooldown tied to them to waste time.

I also hate vehicle quests. The one at the ruby life pools where you direct the whelp to shoot the plants was just stupid. I think I dislike them because it’s not my character. I want to play my character in the game, not some random vehicle mob with 2 abilities


I hate quests that don’t really scale to your gear and level when it comes to vehicle bullcrap. So you actually have to be super careful or spend hours on the blasted thing.

Val Kilmer never got the recognition he deserved for Tombstone.
Unforgiven won best picture instead of Tombstone.

I’ve never seen Unforgiven, but just the cast alone (and the director) are more impressive than Tombstone.

Pedestal AFKers during Time Rift events.

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Players in LFR who queue as healers but do dps instead.

I hate that period in all content.

chain pulls followed by 0 defensive skills

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Sounds like they took a page from the Jailer, where homeboy never foresaw his own downfall but loved dem chains!

What grinds my gears is when folks don’t play nice with others or lack a little empathy. Obviously after a while if your teammates are jerks, playing nice is harder to achieve.

Or chain pulling and not bothering to care if the group can even keep up. Some classes have cast times, gentlemen.