What grinds your gears

Some cinematics being un-skippable and for some reason they are incredibly loud, even the skippable ones blow my eardrums out for a split second as I’m spamming Esc to make them go away. I have all of my volume sliders down low, music turned off etc but they seem to ignore my preferences.

reading the hunter pet posts…im gonna all my pets generic pet names from now on.


It doesn’t help they make the keybinds for pets odd controls, I think its like control 1 to make a pet attack and yes I know you can rebind them.

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Rexxus Snuffles and Tracker already had names on their collars. I would never rename my doggos, it would just confuse them.


Elves grind my gears.

Angry/rude/toxic people who lose their minds over a game, especially in a raid or dungeon or in chat
The lack of playable Saberon
Lower case names for pets and battlepets, names start with a CAPTITAL! :smiley:
Stupid guild names, especially if lowercase
When I keep dying because I’m not paying full attention, especially out in the open world.

Having nothing to do in game besides grinding gold.

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When a tank cannot properly hold aggro in a dungeon and tells myself/other players to turn their pets growl off.

To clarify further: Yes I know misdirection is a thing and use it. Having said that there are times that the assumption is that growl is on when it’s automatically turned off in dungeons.

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A pet has no name

Not unless it’s a horse

gnomes. gnomes grind my gears.

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honestly, rude and extremely toxic behavior. mostly cause people defend it, saying “if you can’t handle seeing people in an MMO, go back to single player games.”


People who don’t mog any of their gear and walk around looking like a 5 year old dressed themselves

Please, use one of the 17 yaks idling in Valdrakken


The game is 20 years old (including beta and such) and surnames still aren’t a thing.


Lack of oil, typically.

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void elfs and pandas

People. Just in general.


Oooh that hurts me even

Ketchup is literally the lowest of all condiments and adds nothing positive to any dish. You only use it to hide bad food.

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i typically add it to my burgers and occasionally french fries. though you probably won’t like Canada too much. people here tend to add it to their grilled cheese sandwiches or KD. :neutral_face:

i don’t tank, but honestly the reason i don’t, is because people get impatient and charge ahead, pulling aggro on every thing that moves. its like “i’m new to tanking, please bear with me.” “LOLNOPE!”, “GoTtA gO fAsT!”

if i’m tanking and you’re pulling aggro ahead of me, i ain’t pulling it off of you. but just be grateful i ain’t a healer either, cause if i see you pulling adds instead of the tank, you ain’t getting heals bub. :unamused: