What grinds your gears

Another thing I dislike is characters that are overly goofy and childish. The ones that are just ridiculous even in serious quest lines.

One of those is Chromie. I just can’t take a dragon seriously when it speaks with the voice of a six year old girl… just goofy and annoying

Trying to make the most of Skyward Ascent in Zaralek Cavern.

I like Chromie. :frowning_face:

What grinds my gears in WOW:

Tanks doing low-level dungeons who pull the WHOLE dungeon without stopping. Learn some respect please! Low level dungeons are for people who are new to the game, and players who are trying out new classes. Those dungeons are TRAINING areas for a lot of people. Go at a normal pace so your team can learn good skills and enjoy the run.

Every time after a new expansion comes out Blizzard nerfs the previous expansion to death. It’s VERY detrimental to your new players, and to existing players who still like to level alts or experience other servers. I can see them lowering SOME of the rewards but they don’t do it gracefully, it’s done with a sledge hammer!

People who post things on the auction house for ###9.99
You are NOT fooling anyone, so just post whole numbers like normal! When I’m buying stuff. I go out of my way to only buy things posted at whole numbers. Also, people who insist on undercutting you by 0.01 even thou the system reminds them it’s not necessary - again, not fooling anyone!

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Im sorry, I wanted to use my Herb cooldown. Looked like you were busy

You’re why people hate Pandaren.