What expansion is after Dragonflight?

DF is reminiscent of Cata, so the next one will be a copy of MoP

I think that would be cool but horde should get the troll tribes and alliance should get the purified vrykul tribes.

This is what I want.

World of Warcraft - The Mirror Universe

World of Warcraft: Terran Empire

This is what I would do… World of warcraft: The Underdark.

-Barrows Dens
-The Undermine
-Maybe a Deepholm revamp
-A massive cave that was essentially a beta version of Un’goro crater(Has ties to the emerald dream.
-Any other underground region in wow lore.

Would be really cool to have a whole expansion of a region that is underground… would have very interesting gameplay and design connecting them. Would be the first truly 3d zone expansion.

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World of Warcraft: Steaks and Shots

I mean theres still the backside of azeroth that no one has explored since every ship that atempted to go there never came back

So theres that

As for whats NEXT. Idk like you yourself even said its too early

classic cata to milk out whatever’s left of remaining subs.

I know you’re just restating the official lore, but I just want to point out that we literally have a flying spaceship that could go there. We could even observe it from the upper atmosphere or outer space! There’s no reason whatsoever we’d need to sail there to see what’s going on.

But WoW lore is gonna WoW.

its void related

I’m sorry according to a what now?

I bet Hrothgar and viera will have more hairstyles and can wear hats in that game

Shadowlands : Return to Hell



World of swordcraft
It’s about the giant sword stuck in Azeroth and we all have to pull it out!


the human expansion. very versatile.

squeeze some value out of SM/Defias/SI:7 and start having anduin plot his rescue of sylvanas while at it.

Probably something something old gods, they keep sprinkling them in even though the player base is over them. As their an easy thing to make an expansion around, so I would imagine the next one will be old gods.

TBH, I want to hope (Naaru will hate me for this) that one of the Old Gods makes a return. Especially one from the extreme early days of WoW.

His name starts with a C, and he eats you during his fight. That was wicked. AND scary as all hell.

The way things sre going i predict a hello kitty theme :stuck_out_tongue: