What expansion is after Dragonflight?


High Exarch Yrel is coming to save us.

One way to expand the WoW universe is the discovery more world-souls like Azeroth. Maybe they’re vulnerable and the native species need help protecting them. We could use dimensional ships like the Exodar to travel to these worlds and fight off Old Gods and other threats. Could be as expansive as the Star Wars universe, if not more-so.

Upside down sinners?

World of Starcraft

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Hoping for a void/light expansion.


Space Balls 2, the Search For More Money!


World of Warcraft Revenge of the Crippled Camel

World revamp renaissance expansion pack. It would have the original login screen for the expansion. Another trip through the Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor. There would be new zones for the patches as it goes on though.

World Of Warcraft: Return Of Illidan!

I watched Morbius recently and enjoyed it.

World of Warcraft
Korgis unleashed

Id say next xpac name: World of Warcraft: From Ashes Arisen. Where the main deal of it is a we are given all the tools we need to reclaim Azeroth from all that it has indured

Gary Busey will be their Warchief.

or, just call it. World of Warcraft Griswolds Family Christmas


I’ll note that we never get to the lower levels of Grim Batol, nor do we get to explore the levels of Azjol Nerub. The latter, at the end, has a huge egg suspended overhead. The Nerubians are verbally wondering what lies in the depths of that place.

Also, where are the submarines that both Horde and Alliance have actually made? We have yet to see one under construction. For that matter, where ARE the Troll shipyards? Where was Skybreaker made? That barn-thing in Stormwind harbor is NOT it – I measured both that and the Skybreaker – too small.

Bliz could do at least a half-expansion just tying up loose ends and unexplained lore.

Good question. I seem to remember some mention of 10 expansions way back near the beginning of WoW. And, here we are at number 10. So what is next, indeed?

Honestly it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if blizzard decided to implement traveling to another planet.

But in the murloc timeline

we will go to Ardenweald to regrow Arthas Menethil.
he will then marry Ysera.
they are both undead & will move into the icecrown luxury suites.

There won’t be another expansion. DF will be it for WoW’s current format.

Most likely something to deal with the void expanding onto Void Elf lore, Alleria and the return of anduin & sylanas having a revamp of character and is helping in some way shape or form.