What expansion is after Dragonflight?

Honestly with a huge earth wielding dragon taking shelter underground. I suspect an expension about elementals. So maybe places like Deepholm expanded. Maybe we will get another cataclysm like expansion if galakrond gets revived. :man_shrugging:t2:

Who is that handsome wizard…? :rofl:

World of Warcraft: Excel vs Word 2025

World of Warcraft - Get the homeless out of SW

featuring tent building
backpack carrying technique
and new mounts that serve as homes.

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Thought of a few more possible Exps.

World of Warcraft: The Big Reset
World of Warcraft: Welcome back China
World of Warcraft: Bobby’s yacht
World of Warcraft: The hair color edition
World of Warcraft: Do you even Transmog bro?
World of Warcraft: The Jailers reve…runs out from behind desk and beats the person typing this up NO! NO! do not say that name!


i know but i feel like the excuse would be magical bs or titan security shenanigans keeping people out so we cant just use the draenei ship to check it out yet. like I don’t doubt we will be able to visit the backside in time but idk if it would be literally next expac unless they just use it for a DF patch

Lets be honest about this, we all know that ships that sail too far into the Forbidding Sea don’t come back, so I think it’s HIGHLY likely there are continents on the other side of Azeroth,

Now you may point out well how come we can’t see the other continents from space, on the Lightforged Draenei ship, all you see is an empty sea and clouds,

What if that the reason that side was hidden in mist, was because whoever was there had magic so powerful they wanted to hide themselves from the Legion, the Old Gods, you name it…

Realistically, the Great Sea is probably as big as the Pacific Ocean itself so if Azeroth is anything like Earth, there’s probably massive continents on the other side…a whole new world!


There’s another landmass on the other side of the planet.

:kangaroo: :crocodile: :spider: :kangaroo: :spider: :crocodile: :kangaroo: :kangaroo: :kangaroo: :kangaroo: :spider: :crocodile: :kangaroo: :kangaroo: :spider: :kangaroo: :crocodile: :kangaroo:

If not that then

:cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn: :cn:

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Wrath Of Sargeras Return of Illidan :crazy_face: July 2022 was epic.

Magni’s checkup.
It’s where we all go back and see how them Wo00oOo0ns are doin’.

Just explained a lot of game…

World of Warcraft : Here we go again

I assume we explore the other side of Azeroth

All I know is that the final boss of the final expansion, before they shut everything down, has to be a simple boar with no more or less abilities than the ones in Elwynn, except he has an insane amount of health and damage. And when he dies, everyone in the raid is guaranteed to get a single Peacebloom as a parting gift.

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My guess is 11.0.

Zombie expansion for sure

If Blizzcon is happening this year I suppose we’ll find out then.

World of DiabloCraft The Overdose of the the undead lichElvis
Sanchu…Sanctury much Ladies and Gentlemen, LichElvis has entered the expac.

World of Warcraft - Tyr’s Revenge

After the mortal inhabitants of Azeroth prevented that Nozdormu becomes Murozond, and causing the end time, the Titans realized, their plan to extinct the Curse of Flesh has failed.
So they utilize all their machinery to start a full scale war on Azeroth, with Tyr as their leader.

New class: Tinker

The tinker deploys machines to fight, like turrets and mechanical pets. Also the tinker has 3 crafting professions, with Engineering always selected by default.

New mount types:

  • flying mounts with distance weapons, and the ability to drop bombs
  • ground mounts with distance weapons and heavy anti air defense

40-man raids make a comeback to provide full scale battles, partially with armored vehicles.