What exactly is taking 9.1.5 so long?

No, what’s funny is Final Fantasy 14 thinks they can fight Thanksgiving break in the US with an expansion.

WoW tried that with Shadowlands and it did not work.

This isn’t about what I’d do, or how I personally handle it. It’s about other players who don’t want to be subjected to that.

Here’s the problem: Some players behave in a way that they deserve to be spit on, but the problem is that other players use it indiscriminately. So for every one person who deserves it, you have 10s, 100s, 1000s of players being abused unjustly.

If not being able to spit on other players ruins the game for you, you might have other issues that need to be addressed.

At this point, I’m kinda wondering if the parachute is even there, or if WoW is literally just in free-fall.


Whatchu mean? Everyone I know binged SL launch because they were off.

I have a 4 day weekend and took additional days off to play it with my wife. Early access starts on her birthday. Can’t wait to try out Reaper!

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They’re going every single asset in-game. It’s insane. They’re renaming quests from The Hinterlands nobody has clicked on since Bush was in office


I doubt it. The last 6 month bonus was done back in Sept ish. That ends in Febuary. Something tell me that is when 9.2 will hit.

I saw a tree that had a knot that looked like a bewb the other day but I didn’t report it TEEHEEHEE.

They’ll never know wheeeeere.


Honestly, it’d probably be faster to just get to work on WoW 2.0.

Keep in mind a patch usually takes 3-5 months on the PTR, and we have absolutely NO INFO about 9.2 AT ALL.

I’m gonna guess it’ll be March 2022 before we get it, maybe a bit earlier.

Amazing how much of a colossal failure this entire expansion has been, all while they pat themselves on the back on twitter at being offended over juvenile humor. I can’t imagine how they thought this was the right way to do things.


It almost feels like that’s literally what they’re doing. Guess we’ll see.

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Making sure bugs don’t get introduced with swapping covenants, the collected anima, renown, and xmog remains etc…

Making sure Torghast scales correctly with leveling characters.

AoE cap being adjusted on a lot of spells, making sure they all do correct damage, no class is stupid broken then…

Customization of races, how that effects all armors…

Legion Timewalking Dungeons, Legion Mage Tower. All those scaling items and mobs, abilities, etc. (Some Legion Dungeon trinkets were OP)

PvP gear adjustments and adding 9 ranks (which, imo, is dumb) to the game making sure all the gear upgrades correctly and nothing breaks.

I’m also sure there are “bean counters” behind the scenes making sure the patch is delayed long enough so that the time between 9.1.5 and 9.2 is minimized.

9.1.5 provides a lot of QoL changes, but also expedites the pointless grinds, like Legendaries and Sockets.

  • Once you can farm those, weekly chores become obsolete = no reason to sub.

Also, Blizzard HQ has to be a mess, with most of their “leadership” being replaced. It’s hard to know what direction to sail the ship when all your captains were thrown overboard. :slight_smile:


I don’t know how they’ll do it otherwise. I levelled a toon recently and saw A LOT of content I’m sure they’d love to censor in our day and age. Of course… I didn’t report any of it. I just chuckled and thought, “Good luck finding everything!

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Zovaal wins, hits the reset button and we go to Alternate Universe Azeroth.

Arthas is now an angsty teenage Asian adopted boy…
Jania is a big ol’ black Kul’Tiran
Thrall is a brown orc.
Baine is bisexual


To be honest this .5 patch looks pretty empty. I don’t see them actually working on loot, rep or even the vault.

What are they going to do about duplicate items? The actual gameplay is a train wreck. But they spend all there dev time censoring stuff that doesn’t matter to the player base.

M+ is broken, Raids is broken, Dungeons is broken. The actual game is broken. There is people spamming M+'s 20-30 times and get no loot cause of over clocked RNG. Then they open Vault to get all duplicates on another over clocked RNG.


Lol. Right… that’s the story angle. But that story doesn’t matter if they don’t have the actual CONTENT to go along w it.

This. 200 times this basically.

Outside of the initial dump of hype with aoe cap “removed” and covenants swapable

all we hear every week is what stupid thing has been removed from the game in 9.1.5 and no news on actualy development… every week


They censored development to not offend people with developmental issues.

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I was more making a point that there are ways to react you know like doing the same thing back that they are doing to the player since they have the same tools available.

I ignored everything else because abuse doesn’t exist in a pvp game where you have the tools to block people or more extremely turn off the computer.

I don’t care what your beliefs are you are probably a fine person offline. However I don’t think anyone should be for taking content out if anything content should be expanded upon.

Example: Blocking a person if it doesn’t already should make you unable to see their emotes as you can use the /em function to be able to communicate with you when you explicitly blocked them. Futhermore you should be able to block players of opposing factions for the same functionality.

This example removes no content and expands upon the tools that can be used so that people with sensitivity issues can protect themselves and doesn’t potentially lead people who are toxic to find some other way to grief people. Banning really isn’t a deterrent for toxic people if it even occurs as you can see we still have toxic people and bots a plenty.

Though I do believe removing it or expanding on the /spit emote is a huge waste of time, resources, and our sub money when they should be trying to push out content before everyone jumps ship to a new game since there isn’t much to do right now.

probably they’re looking for something that offends them


Every time someone ignorant to the development process makes a new thread complaining about how long a patch takes they add another three days to the release schedule. Thanks to the same three posters making more or less the same repeat thread over and over again, we’ve added 42 days to the patch release. Feel free to take them outside and “thank” them.