What exactly is taking 9.1.5 so long?

It takes a long darn time to sift through and change everything that could be the slightest bit offensive, don’tcha know.


Blizzard needed to fleece a bunch of rubes for 50 bucks a pop to play a 20 year-old game. If players were engaged and having fun with WoW content they wouldn’t be so easily suckered into spending money on Diablo to keep themselves entertained.

I bet they think covid is still a real excuse or leadership is so bad that they can’t get anything done.

If that’s the case… put them back in the office 6 feet apart… works for warehouses… it’ll work there also


This, all of this

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You guys do understand the concept of censorship, right?

They aren’t being censored. They aren’t being told that they MUST remove anything. They are making a conscious choice to do so.

They’ve even gone so far as to explain that they are removing things that players have little to no agency over. If someone spits on you in real life, you have options. In WoW, unless you’re in warmode that lets you attack friendly players, you have to take it and the perpetrator is in no danger of repercussions.

That’s no censorship, that’s taking tools away from trolls so that others don’t have to be on the receiving end of unwarranted abuse.

I wouldn’t have thought to remove things like spitting, but it’s pretty clear that if it upsets you, you might be more interested in the ability to abuse others, than the right of others to go about their day in peace.


They havent fully carebeared the game yet to vomit it all out on that patch.

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Too busy getting rid of innocuous jokes, names, and dialogue.


That would be sad if they were since it’s not til the 23rd Nov. Maw skip and some new hair styles won’t be any match for a full on expac. :pensive:

Release the Maw skip.


High definition fruit baskets


Figure out when they would need to release 9.1.5 to get people locked in with fresh 6 month subs.

/not sure if serious

They need to comb through the entire game to make sure every innuendo is taken out. WoW is a big, 16 year old game. It takes a lot of time.

Oh, and they’re kinda working on pulling the ripcord, i guess.


It was actually already pushed back a month in the ptr was in november now its december

The WoW team switched some years ago “for better or worse” from smaller, more frequent patches (like we got in vanilla) to giant, less-frequent, “kitchen sink” patches.

I don’t think they can pull something like (examples) Mage Tower or Legion M+ out by themselves and patch those in early; the code and data for them are likely mixed up with everything else.

If any feature in 9.1.5 isn’t ready, the whole patch “isn’t ready”, even if other features are “done”. The push live will be “everything or nothing”.

I guess they prefer working this way.

Is there new story coming in 9.1.5? I thought it was just QOL fixes?

Just spit back at them?


There’s nothing in .5 that couldn’t be implemented in a series of small weekly patches.

The patch is empty, tbh.


Really? That’s not what the devs have been saying on their Twitter accounts…

The female Orc dance.

it’s too sexual and needs to be replaced.


I’ve been asking the q tho.

What’s REALLY in .5 that requires all this time?

Looking through the patch notes… um nothing.


They’re actually having to go through all the game files and hand edit the paintings in MSPaint one by one.