What exactly is taking 9.1.5 so long?

I’m genuinely curious as to what feature is being designed that would merit 4 months between 9.1 and this patch.

Weren’t we told that the ripcord already existed? If that were the case, then opening up covenants should’ve been an easy enough feature to implement, right?

Legion Timewalking is just scaling tech. Solo islands is just scaling tech. Leveling Torghast is just scaling tech. Tech that’s already in the game. Do number adjustments for these 3 things take that long? They’re not adding new systems or features to any of these things.

How long does it take to recolor 12 existing armor sets? Every other model that they’re providing already existed, it just wasn’t available for us to have.

The only thing I can think of is new customization options. But those stopped arriving, like, a month ago.

So for a AAA developer, why does all of this stuff above take at least four months to release to us? In this time we’ve paid a brand new game’s cost worth of subscriptions.

Am I missing something else? Is there something bigger coming with 9.1.5? Are they even working on 9.2 yet?

It feels like this game is being produced by the worlds smallest MMO team.


The launch date of Endwalker. Blizzard think they can fight a major expansion with this patch.


Hard to push a patch out when your development team is scouring the game looking for anything that might suddenly offend them after 17 years.


Hotfix the Maw skip now


I’ve got nothing good to say about this company anymore, it must have been on rotten place to work now they can’t get their teams to produce anything worthwhile, I guess that’s what happens when you treat your people like crap.


yeah i agree it should be out now, if Mage tower needs more testing just move the event back a few months in live and test it post launch, then hot fix it in.


You clowns are so dramatic, dear lord.

Go outside.


You must be fun at parties


What exactly is taking 9.1.5 so long?

well the last delays were because they were busy being frat boys, partying and harassing the lady staff.
The current delay is because they got busted and are spending all their time doing damage control :+1:


It must be exhausting being this much of a diva all day every day


Well I’m a bartender by trade which requires some form of personality so yeah, I think I am.


Naa, all of this for a little arthritis? What a deal


You might want to go back to your safe space my dude


J Allen Brack got fired and rightfully so. Same with the HR the developers themselves really have nothing to do with this except those that couldn’t behave. Just like how 9.1 somehow took 7 months this patch seems to be taking the same amount of time and for even having less work done to it. That just says that the developers themselves need to have much better leadership that they currently have. You know in California you can fire people for gross incompetence right? 4 months for a crappy patch like this is coming very close to gross incompetence. Especially them wasting time on censorship when they could be working on 9.2 which is going to be the make or break patch for shadowlands.


Maybe they’re trying to get it to work right for once.


(Wish I could upvote you, but ran out already.)

Oh man, the jokes are on fire in this thread.



Even the employees who stated they “adamantly love the game” are ruining it.

I don’t even like FF14 but at this point I hope WoW crashes and burns. Censorship has no place in a supposedly adult game with themes such as genocide (night elves), murder (all over the place), rape (ex: Alexstrasza + Deathwing), etc.

You cannot have your cake and eat it too.


I’m hopeful that they were working on 9.2 stuff before they decided to do all of this 9.1.5 stuff, and that there’s a team working on that at the same time. There has to be. There’s no way the entire team is taking this long with 9.1.5.

Yet I’m also super skeptical, because even in BFA their patches were getting longer between. That was before any of this other stuff happened to slow them down further.

However, if they had something to generate any sort of hype with, I feel like they’d have used it at this very low point in the game for players. The best we got is some weird classic seasonal redo server announcement thing that I know a few folks were asking for, but that has nothing to do with retail and what really is it other than a new classic server and tweaked numbers?

Why is THAT on the front page of the launcher? Is that really their biggest boast? Another fresh classic server with some faster leveling?


I agree with you OP unless they’re working on something in the background I don’t know why they haven’t stated when 9.1.5 is coming out yet

They must launch it on the appropriate date, you have to wait for the release of a patch or competition game to step on it.