What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

To me, he has still failed to create a compelling villain. If there is a 10.3, and I think there will be, who’s the final raid boss? Will it be the ultimate villain of the xpac? Have we even met them? It’s all just so forgettable.


Oh wow my opinions are cured because you said get over it.

A lot of games written at that time were garbage because they weren’t being treated seriously yet minus some examples that were the exception and not the rule.

When WoW reaches to be a good story it seems to fall on its face more often than not. Metzen to me was good at mostly blockbuster popcorn storytelling. Compelling, fun, but not deep or particularly thought provoking. And to me that worked better for WoW than trying and failing to say something about the human condition.

Now, don’t get me wrong, if WoW ever DID have an amazingly well written expansion I’d be excited. But nobody in the history of this game has done it so far.


wow is a failing mmo now, its futile bickering about the current writers when they are so bad

metzen might actually fix the holes in the ship though


See that I agree with. WoWs always been a popcorn flick game for me.

But WHY is it bad? Only a couple of people in this thread bothered to actually articulate crap

People mocked Metzen relentlessly in past expansions oh but he’s so freaking great and perfect now and I think that’s ridiculous

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Its because any good or decent writer knows you have to create a narrative foundation, to keep the stories tied to a specific universe stable. You need to establish rules of what can and cannot happen to maintain tension and suspense for the stories you are writing. Like with a house you need a solid foundation and when building you need load bearing walls to maintain structural integrity. If you just build willy nilly, the entire house will simply collapse in on itself. So with a story, if you just toss whatever you like or change (retcon) anything you erode the narrative foundation, ruining the tension and suspense for the stories being told. This is hard for writers picking up where someone else left off, like with the Star Wars Expanded Universe, but you still need someone to maintain direction, you need essentially a “lore master” telling writers yes or no when adding, expanding or clarifying already established lore or events. If you let writers just do whatever they like, they are more likely going to go in their own direction and ignore the establish narrative foundation, further weakening the story. If anything can happen, nothing matters, reader/viewer/player investement is lost. If you change something, it has to fit within the already established framework, or you need one hell of a reason this new law superceeds the old law and “cuz I said so” is never a good reason.


No it isnt. Mandalorian season 3 viewership plummeted and the first lawsuit by Disney shareholders against them was for lying about ratings of many of their shows with one of them being 50% lower than they claimed. Book of Boba Fett, Kenobi and now Ahsoka have all had lower viewership than the previous with Ahsoka struggling to stay over 1 million per episode…that is a crazy low amount seeing as the IP has well over 100 million fans worldwide.

But I see you are a Filoni fan with those lies you spewed…filoni does not even respect his work previous work with all his changes. Well, I mean to the work he claims is his. He only wrote a few of the Clone Wars and Rebels episodes but claimed it all…they had a large team of writers lol. Also I reject your use of your brothers opinion and replace it with that of 100s of content creators that have gotten off the Disney bandwagon and have started to admit its garbage content as they point out the 1000s of ways it has pooped all over previous lore and how low quality the writing is.

In all of Filoni’s work, he can only lay claim to creating one single character himself, Ahsoka. He did not even create the Rebels characters, those were done by the team he was placed in charge of. The guy is a snake oil salesmen riding the coat-tales of others which is why he has not nor will pitch an idea set in another timeline even though there is over 20,000 years of it…ne needs member-berries to prop up his low quality work.


But if you made up the rules you can totally change them.

I haven’t following the successes of the shows. If I value the formats for what they are, then I’m entertained and it’s still better presented than other media.

One of my brother has studied writing and my father is a mid-class established writer, so you can say that I’m bit more wary of writing in general. I’m aware that he didn’t create the characters on his own, which are also part of Weisman’s writing (which we are all fans of, especially Gargoyles which I had watched for the first time a few years ago). I love the study on Spectacular Spider-Man, which has one of the best written pilots you can make in this super hero format. The point though is: He is in charge of all of this and still managed to make a good universe based on the legends book (never read them) while giving Episode II and III so much background development to flesh out everything.

You can disagree what you want, I’m not really this deep into SW to begin with, but it’s well done enough.

In my opinion,tangent thinking never got anywhere but did give me a headache. Sis used to do that alot ,leaving us to ??? Well,the same applies here.

no you cannot, not even Metzen the man who essentially created the world can just change things willy nilly without a hard reason WHY the new rule superceeds the old. this is why the stories maintained a certain level of integrity until he passed it off to someone else and the story imploded.


Dear god the way some people here act, you’d think Azeroth was a real world that is being chronicled with this game and not a fictional setting that is completely made up and that the lore is there to add flavor but not restrain the game that it is written for.


It is,some of the reality in the world is here or you wouldn’t understand it.

Not everyone can be a good or decent writer, the responses here show why writing is fairly difficult, because you simply think stories are just made up tripe that can changed on a whim whenever you desire, but writing a good story takes a massive amount of planning, lore building and knowing what to clarify and what to keep vague if you plan on building upon the story later.


It’s a story, I mean you want to stay basically consistent, but things can and should change, and acting like “Oh no, suddenly we discovered what we knew was actually wrong” isn’t actually anything unrealistic or out of the ordinary. games just tend to go a bit bigger than things like discovering germs or heliocentrism

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They turned Arthas to dust!


You said they are a success…you like making statements with nothing behind them.

I reject your appeal to authority because even the blind fanboys that make all their money pushing out positive Star Wars content for clicks even say that they are failing on key writing aspects.

Go on and TRY to put forth a refute on how they are keeping to established writing criteria. Give me an example of any one of the shows other than Andor (written by someone that is not even a fan of Star Wars) using a character arc, something that COULD be confused with a heroes journey. It meets none of the thins that judge writings criteria, they cant even create an episode where a character just suddenly “knows” a thing to push a story forward because writing a few sentences of dialog earlier on so it makes sense…is just too hard. its low quality nonsense.

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WoW has bent the knee too much to the Rule of Cool to have cohesion. That’s the origin behind the retconning – needing to change things for the Rule of Cool.

Also, WoW is not a closed canon like LotR or the Wheel of Time. As long as they keep putting out expansions, they’ll keep adding to the lore.

Stories are based on what? Things and actions done in reality, you dress up as your toon going to a convention is what? You created the costume on paper from you mind to fabric to reality . the same goes the other way and stories do too.