What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

This isn’t some silly sunday thread. I’m genuinely curious. And I don’t really consider Nathanos an option since he’s nowhere to be found for 2 expansions now.

Honestly the only time I got sus vibes from the writing was when we almost got that “make sure alexstrasza is abused” timeline daily. The rest I haven’t really been eye rolling like some folks.

I just see folks saying he’s bad but I never see actual details.

If “he did cringe rp responses on twitter” is your answer. A LOT ( heck almost all ) of creator types do silly stuff like that. Heck I do that all the time with my characters. It’s fun.


A lot of people’s headcanons hit up against the new established canons, and made many people upset.

He’s not solely responsible for the story, but he acted cringe so he was a target.


The echo chamber doesn’t do reasons. They just all tell each other what they want to hear and become convinced that they speak for “the players” because they mistake the “echos” for exponentially more people.

That’s not just here. We see that in lots of internet forums and even cable news networks.


Man nobody tell these folks about how voice actors LOVE doing silly memey things with characters they play.


If there’s one thing a certain loud minority here hates, it’s fun. How dare they not be serious professionals! :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


Seriously voice actors are practically chaotic fae creatures. I love em.


If you are changing canon, your writing abilities are vastly limited. See Disney Star Wars, Amazon’s Rings, The Witcher series as prime examples of bad, while The Boys as an example of good.

Its rare for someone to come along and change what exists for the better because you need to be able to stay within a box created by another person which is why so many end up making things worse as its a different mind, with different views of what it should be.

Its better to just come up with something completely new, where you have no boundaries as a writer. However, as most writers are weak, they are going to try to take the easy road and use what already exists and hope that member-berries will distract enough that they can use the popularity of it to propel their weak work.


Asmongold described the most successful WoW narratives as “big, sweaty guys fighting big, sweaty guys” in epic battles. A lot of people agree with him.


I mean to a point I understand.

But if the lore stays stagnant then you get bored players and bored writers.

Good mention of The Boys tho. Man. Those comics are hot garbage lol. The tv show is fantastic while also kinda doing its own thing.

The Witcher tho you could tell they didn’t wanna make a show about The Witcher but couldn’t get their original ideas thru the door.

I actually wouldn’t have cared about the alexstraza quest but the rest of you people get upset over anything so they took it away.

Also whoever is writing things isn’t very good at telling a story in a game. There is almost nothing I’m truly excited about lore wise in WoW atm.



I’m not asking what Asmongold thinks


Yeah you people


It’s boring, it’s “safe”, whatever you want to call it - it’s “Vanilla” flavor tailored towards little kids when the playerbase is increasingly older/not little kids anymore

Obviously it hasn’t been received well considering they’re bringing Metzen back to somewhat assist/carry


Oh do elaborate. Please.

A lot of “mature” things are boring or just crass. I don’t see a problem with liking tamer things among other series or games.

Oh nooooooo. People didn’t wanna participate in making sure a dragon was assaulted for years. How dare I

Also I really don’t care about that stupid tree so please don’t lump me in with that group


Meh it was fine as part of the story honestly.



Dark stories with impactful decisions are interesting. Imo they need to be less safe in how they make the quests and tell the story.


Truuuuuue but you gotta handle that stuff well or it’ll blow up in your face.

Having a chill expansion then suddenly that its too big a tone shift so of course people were just “ayyo what?”

Also this is a t for teen game so they kinda have to play by certain rules

Hello, I see you posted a thread about horrible writing. There have been so many threads over the years about the horrible writing and now you suddenly need people to explain what has been explained countless times before, both here and elsewhere, haha!? That’s so weird! A better question would be, “what exactly is so good about Danuser’s writing!?” Funny enough, not only do you never see posts like that, no one ever can answer it in any thread, positive or negative, haha!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!