What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

What being ice cubes for 10,000 years? Please they didn’t feel a thing after their daddy abandoned them.

I’m talking about what Sarkareth and Emberthal survived in order to become commanders. Did you just forget that?

I don’t really think he’s that bad, I think WoW as a whole can’t do big overarching stories. Actually, they flat out suck at it regardless of who’s at the narrative helm. WoW’s stories are best when done in small bursts like in Cata old world zones (Not the actual high level zones).

Edit: Also, it doesn’t do WoW’s story any favors when they have huge chunks of lore being held hostage by books you need to buy.


I think a lot of characters were killed off to allow the narrative to grow: e.g. Tirion was killed to 1) make the threat of the Legion invasion impactful while also 2) providing a reason for reforming the Silver Hand without Tirion, but rather the player character.

Varian was deleted to allow more narrative room for his son. Both of these changes felt organic and natural. Now, if they could have written Vol’jin going out alongside Varian - much more heroically - that would have been awesome. However, we also needed Vol’jin to have some time to appoint another war chief in the manner he did which laid the foundation for some realizations in later expansions.

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Referring to who? People who have dark hair? Blue eyes? Handicap folks? Native Americans?

'Cause now you have to Fite Meh. It’s in the rule book.


The game needed to progress ,we can’t stay in the past forever even our real world is changing. Old characters have to move on some day just like we do when the time comes,even Kadgar ,Jaina will one day.


Honestly if people want dark stuff. Just go read Dead Dove Do Not Eat fics or write your own stuff.

Heck go read Crossed. Go nuts.


They’re destroying lore/characters too quickly, though.

My absolute best seller genre is horror-erotica. People just eat it up when I let it go live for sales.

I have to agree,but that’s all business ,either you do it now or it wouldn’t be. A profit before story that makes sense.

Perfectly valid for a few characters to have dramatic shifts. Especially given justifiable events like Anduin experienced. However, you can’t tell me there isn’t an apparent lack of history being utilized. Characters that were developed over years are just side lined; and again, I don’t mean “a few” - I mean, 90% of them have just vanished from the story.

It is my opinion that not connecting the past to the present is a writing mistake that makes this world feel less like Warcraft.


Hello, I see you replied to the thread. Probably one of the reasons why they brought Metzen back! These new writers, and Mr. Selfinsert, are horrible at what they do, haha! I could see those reports of the writers not being too happy about Metzen being back being fairly accurate!

Thanks for your post and have a great day!


Yup that’ll get you the big bucks lol.

Who? Nah I didn’t care cause it was so forgettable


So you don’t pay attention then complain stuff isn’t there when it was while crying woke

Cool. Amazing. Fantastic.


This, 100%… if you need other content to piece together the story for the game you pay and subscribe for, then it’s the ultimate loss of cohesion for players that opt not to buy the books. Maybe it gets them some extra revenue, but you’d think a cohesive overarching story to engage players in an entertaining “want to see what happens next” way, would be a higher priority.

I’ve got to believe that a single retained sub over even just two months outweighs the net revenue of a single book sale (with it’s distribution fees, other overhead costs, and lack of recurring income). Books that augment the past and are not critical to understanding the current/future in-game story would probably be fine, but even that seems like a questionable business choice from a profit standpoint.


I did it, read through it, and then my eyes glazed over. None of the story was interesting.

If you guys think this is good story telling then I can see why we are where we are. Not to mention they do such a god awful job of telling it.


Tell you the truth ,that was a good story and it was fitting to Sarkareth end. You have to wonder and think about it to apprentice it .

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How can you say something is bad when you didn’t even bother to remember it? That’s complete nonsense.

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All I got out of it was Sarkareth I guess had daddy issues and we had to kill him. Just another plot leading to a boss fight for a raid tier that wasn’t interesting.

Seriously none of this stuff is either told well or interesting. It’s super boring! The only thing I’m halfway paying attention to is the story about Tyr and Alexstaza and her view on the titans, and a bit with the bronze dragonflight that is mostly treated as a side story.


It’s a couple things for me.

He’s big into retconning. Somethings are good to retcon. Other things like the invention of the Jailer being the grand architect behind it all. That was not so good.

I didn’t like the “I will never serve” line. It made her out to be even more of a meme than that entire expansion was. He could’ve just played it simpler.

The Arthas thing is another sticking point. I’d rather him just not touched it at all then have the result of the fart cloud.

I don’t know who to blame BFA for, but I thought the faction war was fine. The weird nipple twist into Azshara then N’zoth. It asks more questions than it answers.