What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

Tbh I have never read any of his books. But if playing the game and reading the quests is the same thing then wow it’s bad. Let’s just say Metzen will look like a genius by comparison.

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That is a misconception.

You have “the lore”. You do not change “the lore”, you extend it by creating…new lore. new stories that take place AFTER what has already been created without changing anything.

If Thrall did “A, B and C” you write a story about him doing D that is its own different thing, not a story about him doing a thing that changes B and C in some way.

Life moves on, lore should move on and not use the past in any way other than to further it into the worlds future.

Imagine if Tolkien wrote the Lord of the Rings in a way that made the Hobbit story different? It takes place in the next generation for the reason of giving the world a history, untouching the previous established work. It actually is not a hard thing to do for a writer that has an actual deep imagination and ability to pen a story.


That is very possible. I was not talking about the reasons though :wink:


Yeah that’s fair, Shadowlands really did kinda change a lot of st-

And you lost me. Please do not criticize anything, you’re not good at it.


I agree with him that the game was most exciting when we had epic heroes and villains. I agree with him. A lot of people do. If you’d rather take a different position just because I attributed his opinion to him, good luck getting people excited about a story built around characters who never do anything interesting, who mostly just sit around and mope. It doesn’t seem to be working, but surely if they just keep doing more of the same, people will start getting excited by it at some time in the future, right?


Ah there it is.


To me it’s the way the old original characters were treated (or rather, killed / written out).

It shows that Danuser didn’t understand those characters and was unable to write for them.
He didn’t like them, which makes me question why he was given the reigns to the Warcraft universe to begin with.


Personally I just like dislike the way he writes villains. They have zero depth and are just too upfront about evil people doing evil things. It’s just not interesting story wise, and makes me feel not very motivated about doing most things in the game to combat the evil guys.

It can be done in a MMO, compare that to some of the villains in FFXIV who you actually regularly talk and interact with, you can understand their motives, and there is even a guy who is just super upfront about just being an evil guy who loves doing evil things, but he is written in a way that makes it entertaining. He’s chaotic and you wanna watch and find out what other weird evil things he’s up to because he’s at least a little mysterious about it instead of it just being like “Hey guys, what’s up, I’m an evil guy who likes doing evil things, here’s all the evil things I did or am gonna do”.

But of course the majority of complaints about his writing is that there’s too many women and emotions so no one will ever see this or care.


Past writers killed off characters tho so whats the big deal?

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So… that’s why not a single og lore character has a story line?


We’re in the dragon isles. Why write for characters that aren’t even there?

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As usual Asmongold is wrong. Warlocks and Mages are not big sweaty guys. He’s defined the tanks but not the healers and dps.


Why aren’t THE LEADERS of the alliance and horde LEADING us into the dragon isles? Oh right, because they’re dead or apparently useless. Really utilizing all those years of character development.


Because we’re just on a expedition

Why in the world would they all just go there? Why do we have to see the same characters every expansion?


Argument has bcome circular.


I’m asking you a question

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That was some of the cheesiest tasteless childlike garbage I’ve ever experienced in a game. Welcome to the Dragon Isles yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, oh me and this nerd over here are on an expedition ehehehehehehehe so fun yaaaaay


That happens in games and in real life. FDR lead us going into and through WW II but then he died, Truman had to take over. Examples like this are everywhere and there is no reason it can’t happen in fiction.

In this case Anduin is wandering around the Maw struggling with mega PTSD. That happens and the alliance has to adjust to it.


He’s not bad of a writer just people want more than moral values in teen game, the want adult content. Come on guys come out with it you do,violence ,nudity etc,the same stuff in the real world.


looks to what the dracthyr went thru

Bruh what?