What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

Dont forget the Horde. There whole Fourth War attempt was also them trying to take land from them/said attempted take over drove them mad.

“I need murloc eyes for my murloc eye soup. Go down to the beach and rip out their eyes for me. If you do it, I’ll give you 25 silver coins and share the recipe with you.”

“Should I kill them, or just rip their eyes out alive?”

“Eh, it’s probably easier to kill them first. They’ll squirm around too much if you try to take’em alive.”

“Done and done!”

…but humans and orcs killing each other for territory/resources needed to survive makes Baby Anduin Cry…

Hence why I think Blizzard has move away from those types of things. Heck, I think its been what, since cata or so when we used dragon meat?

Eating mean from sentient creature always felt like half a step away from cannibalism.

there’s a first for everything.

That’s me, your friendly neighborhood murloc apologist.

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I have 2 questions:

All of the Eternal Ones in the Shadowlands knew who the Jailer was and what he was about. Why did none of them ever bother to tell us?

On that same note: Alexstraza and Nozdormu both know who the Incarnates are, what they’re about, who Iridikron made deals with, etc. Why have they not bothered to tell us?

That’s bad writing. Really, really bad writing.


That type of bad writing (plot holes caused by retcons or new lore) is common in WoW.

my issue is, this writing is almost in on a island it self, just like this expansion. I want writing that stays true to wow, expand its lore and doesn’t contradict existing lore. I also want it to focus on the world at large not just a new threat. i want to see new character rise and become fan favorites. BFA gave us zappy and Zelling(RIP),

Mainly I want different narratives for each faction. I also want parity between factions, I do not wan to see trash like shadowlands where alliance characters are killing everything left and right while horde characters are sitting around being useless. I also do not want pointless stuff to happen just for shock factor.


They are saving all that information for the War of the Scaleborn. You should know Blizzard by now, they want you to buy the book.

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Personally, I say wait for the novel to come out before we start calling it bad writing. The book will hopefully fill in the blanks and give us some of the history between the aspects and the incarnates

  1. I’m not misunderstanding or straw manning your argument. You do have a problem with Ysera and Xe’ra’s deaths correct? You did attribute their deaths to a writers misogyny correct?
  2. You’re achievements for WoD quests consist of doing the dark portal intro quest line.
  3. I’ve read several books on Norse Mythology, I’ve never read any mention of Gunlod denouncing Odin. Perhaps you could provide a source.
  4. Never said it was the same. It can help explain canon though. Canon is on my side.
  5. The book is referencing events that happened in Cata. Most noteably events that transpire in Dragon Soul.
  6. The only information this book provides about Turalyons eyes is from page 16, “Through the Light, she (Xe’ra) shared that emotion with him…” “Turalyon’s journey was coming to an end. The Light flashed from within him. He opened his eyes. They shone, just for a moment. He lifted his head and took a deep breath.” It sounds like you’re agreeing with me that Turaylons golden eyes are a direct result of empowerment from Xe’ra.
  7. Does it? I suppose it’s possible to have a good game that no one wants to play. It’s far more likely that the game simply isn’t good. Hence why people are choosing to play classic as opposed to retail.
  8. Forcing the light on the unwilling is referenced even on Yrel’s wowpedia page. The entire rejection of the gift is about forcing the light on the unwilling which is absolutely a form of slavery.
  9. Perhaps we’re talking about two different things here. I don’t think Sylvanas burning down Teldrassil ruined her character. What ruined her character was “I will never serve”, only to be serving the jailer the whole time. It was the massive amount of plot armor she was given through much of BFA and all of Shadowlands. Both of these videos focus on the burning of Teldrassil, when I believe that Sylvanas being ruined as a character happened primarily in Shadowlands and in my opinion rests soley with Danuser.
  10. You didn’t say Helya in legion, here’s the quote.
  1. It’s not hard to find out when a person started playing based on their achievements dude. I’ll let you have the last word, I’m pretty bored of this conversation.
  1. Now you’re cherry-picking part of my argument and talking as if it’s the entire argument and denying your past accusations.
  2. I played on a friend’s account before getting my own. And you’re ignoring the point about Yrel’s troops.
  3. What books on Norse Mythology have you read?
  4. Fan theories don’t explain canon events as they’re not canon (it’s fan copium making excuses for plot holes or guessing for fun, but neither is canon).
  5. The book still wasn’t from Cata.
  6. You missed my point. That story shows things including Turalyon’s first meeting with Xe’ra. My point is Turalyon’s eye glow from the cinematic is a nothing burger that some fans thought or pretended means something (Sargeras’ sword was more relevant lol).
  7. My point still stands.
  8. I’m talking about Illidan, Xe’ra and Akama here. Yrel’s actions are irrelevant. Forcing a class change is not the same as enslavement anymore than forcibly vaccinating people would be.
  9. That still proves the Burning of Teldrassil and much of Sylvanas’ villain-batting was Afrasiabi’s doing.
  10. I’d referred to Helya’s storyline when I first cited her, including what happens in Legion.
  11. See my explanation in point 2.

I think the current team fundamentally does not understand the underlying reasons why the original lore resonated with players, and has resonated for decades in franchises like warhammer and the LoTR. They just do not get the archetypes, the fantasy, or the tone of the game. Its likely written by committee and the culture of blizzard has probably changed to one that doesnt confront bad ideas. That’s the best case scenario. The worst case scenario is that they are purposefully manipulating characters/races/narratives to push certain cultural agendas and ideas, world building be damned.

They completely missed the mark on dragons and how to write them. Its like they think their visages are the characters and not just their disguises. As far as the story and characters go in dragonflight, their dragon form is the disguise. Totally off from the get go. Even for humans they are overly sweet and sentimental.

How do you mess up dragons of all things? Its not that hard.

In classic dragons are mostly hostile or at best neutral. Even the bronze dragonflight is hostile until you grind rep. They looked at us like bugs that couldn’t be trusted.

Dragonflight missed the mark entirely. They should have kept us at an arms distance and set up areas of the city that were forbidden. They should have made all the hatcheries agro dragons that burn any players that go near them.

Instead we got a theme park zoo where you can go up and manhandle their almost extinct eggs like it’s a ride. Excuse me?

As dragons are cunning and wise, they should have never allowed these intrusions despite our histories.


I think it’s the opposite actually. They get it, they just tried to put their own spin on it and it came up short


Blizzard, despite going on to rip apart basically every book ever written for their setting until their canonicity itself is questionable in most cases, still wants to try to sell us novels to retroactively justify their story and convince people ‘it’s brilliant actually’


Said book will just be retconned within 6 months so why bother. Fool me twice shame on me.


That goes both ways.
If there were large vast amounts of people liking it, that I disagreed with – I could argue “The echo chamber doesn’t do reasons”

Then follow through with exactly what you said – They just all tell each other what they want to hear and become convinced that they speak for “the players” because they mistake the “echos” for exponentially more people.

And as you said — That’s not just here. We see that in lots of internet forums and even cable news networks.

However if majority of the playerbase spread throughout mass various medias, public outlets and anywhere you can see public opinion share their dismay & disapproval of the expansion — It’s probably less of an ‘Echo Chamber’ and more of the shared opinion.

As someone else has said before –

Goes along to that saying ~
“If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck & quacks like a duck … :smiley: It’s a duck.


Exactly my point. And that is the point I’ve been making all along. Fact is, we have no solid evidence on how the majority feels, how many people are upset about each point brought up, or how many are happy with those points.

However it’s the people angry with the devs who claim they speak for “the players” without any proof that they do.


Yeah, The majority of Players are never seen or heard in ways other players or enthusiasts can ever hope to perceive. Only Blizzard has access to the data and the survey results.

I am reminded when Bellular and his Cohost tried running a poll on the Elemental Events that for anyone who played the game with any regularity would see as almost a superfluous addition that served no purpose. They sort of cast out a quesiton of “does anyone even really use these?”

I forget how they got their answer but it was a resounding “Yes, people do in fact use these, a lot.”

They kinda got flabergasted at that and had a sit down and a think about how our perspective as being WoW enthusiasts inherently comes with the perception that we are the majority when there’s so much in this game that simply isn’t for us.


In my opinion, Dragonflight has good ideas, and some were better implemented than others.


Alexstrasza was abused, tortured and forced to breed. She had to watch her young transformed into weapons and be killed in battle.

Her forgiving the Orcs was far more important than people give credit. Had it been a female dragon of any other flight. It would be far different story. The Orcs would have been most likely annihilated.

Personally, I would have loved to see her go Quentin Tarantino on the Orcs. It would be fair.