What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

There is a difference in being the lich kings undead slave and being forsaken.
You know this but you love lying for some befuddling reason.

People didn’t trust the forsaken because they didn’t believe they weren’t scourge at first.


Saurfang looked up at the legions of horde undead stop Orgrimmar’s wall and chose to die for them.

Okay, well, you are going to play dirty and resort to name calling and bad attempts to start fights. There’s no point in trying to have a conversation.

You’re right, because you lie instead of offer honest debate.

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Ok. If you say so.

There is no “salvaging” a person who caused a genocide on a playable race.

The best thing Blizzard should do with Sylvanas is give them the Malygos/Sindragosa ending and let her and Nathanos be judged by Pelagos and given an afterlife they deserve.


What about a person/faction who caused the genocide of a non playable race? Everyone’s hands would be bloody and would be unsalvagable.

What makes Night Elves better than Murlocs, quillboar, kobolds, furbolgs, and gnolls?

Nothing whatsoever.
We just accept slaughtering NPC races for reasons of various legitimacy for the sake of ‘adventure’, and this also often includes members of the opposite faction. That’s part of why I feel that the moral posturing of BFA was especially stupid. Mind you, I also thought that the ‘reasons’ for the Horde to attack the Alliance were even stupider, and the Alliance constantly being whitewashed of anything they may even have done wrong was almost as ridiculous.
“You’re BAD if you do the things we ourselves put in the game and force you to do to interact with the world, and uuuUUUUGLEPFT!” (sound of moralizer being sucked up their own @$$ and vanishing forever)


I don’t think Alliance is getting whitewashed, its more like they got layers of events that lead up to it and this checks out the boxes of motivation and circumstances.

Sylvanas and Jaina attempted to wipe out a major population center. Regardless of success lets look at the circumstance.

Sylvanas= Arthas parallel, reason for the war? They might attack us. Reason for the genocide? Afterlife sucks.

Jaina= i tried advocating for peace and I got my city blown up by the Horde. I lost my friends and my people so I am going to use a moment of mad grief and vengeance to do unto them what they done unto me.

The Horde is super dumb, its like even the barest of small hint of an excuse is good enough to murder innocents but the Alliance one is steeped in circumstances and previous tragedies to somewhat justify their reaction.
One is cold blooded premeditated action and the other is reactionry rage and grief.
Thats the difference


To be perfectly honest, Warcraft regularly asks of the playerbase to categorize many sentient and sapient species we encounter as non-persons who are then expelled from their homes in the same way you would remove rats from a building you intended to renovate and refurbish for renting.

Imagine visiting the Congo on vacation when a local official approaches you with a Machete, a box of matches, and $500. He tells you the Chimpanzees have started to use tools regularly, and are even constructing their own dwellings now. They’ve stolen some human tools—because they’re superior quality—and they’re gathering resources which is going to invite competition. He tells you to kill the ones in possession of human tools, and burn down the structures they’ve built with the matches. In exchange you get the $500 in cash, and maybe the Chimpanzees will know their place.

You take the job because you absolutely have no qualms with this, or you do take issue with this—but you have to do it—otherwise the local official won’t offer you more odd jobs that lead up to discovering the local magistrate allowed the Chimpanzees to steal the tools in order to drum up fear which allowed him to be re-elected by claiming he’s solving problems.

This isn’t your fault or mine. This is just how the quests are written and in order to progress in this game, your character’s hands are stained red.


Really puts the “war” in Warcraft when you put it in that context.

Both the Horde and Alliance are posturing on an idea of ‘civility,’ but that’s it.

The thing with the non playable races is we cant reason with them/they give us no choice but to fight them.

Because Sylvanas had the CHOICE not to invade them. Where as all these other race do not usually give us the choice to not have to fight them.

What a wierd take. Have you stopped to think about what you are saying?

cast mind control
^pits monkey against one another until only supreme ape remains
&cancels mind control on apex ape next to official and cast shadowmeld

Yes, for the most part the gnolls/murlocs/kobold decide to attack us/innocent people and we had no recourse but to kill them. Killing them is our last resort. Not the first. Which is different from Sylvanas stance because she decided it was her first course. Not the last.

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We literally go into murloc, kobolds, furbolg, and gnoll homes/communities and kill them for just existing where we don’t want them to exist because they are encroaching on Alliance/Horde settlements and they will just agressively defend their homes.

The murlocs are literally encroaching on terrestrial territory that was never theirs. In fact that only started around Warcraft 3. And usually it results with them killing off civilians.

Kobolds are doing the same thing. Taking over mines that various races have dug up themselves. The Alliance for the most dont kill Furbolg and actually befriend them, only having to kill those that end up going mad/corrupt.

The gnolls were literally waging war against the humans and continued raiding them. They never really stopped and for the most part even joined defias efforts.


I’ve been lurking this thread but I never thought it would turn to murloc apologists.

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Just off memory: the vast majority of times those are actually about removing corruption from their population or defending a local community from them when they’re aggressive. The only ones straight up trying to take their lands in most cases are Goblins lol.

One of the only exceptions I recall is the Draenei stopping one Furbolg tribe from genociding another.

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