What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

The Orcs responsible were incinerated to death. Only a few survived and ran away.
The Dragonmaw clan has been all but eradicated… Its good on Alexstrasza not to hold any grudges to people who had very little involvement or even knowledge of what was happening.

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Still not good enough. Sometimes, the best way to start again. Is to burn everything.


What does )10chars mean?

If it was Vanilla WoW green dragons they’d do something… DF green dragons honestly would prolly do nothing just based on how useless and passive they are.

It is a reference to Charsi from Diablo 2, where if you repair a secret item with her, she does 10 push ups.

/10 char = 10 charsi push ups


It refers to the 10 character minimum for a post. If someone wanted to say “no” , they would say: “no” /10 char or something, to hit that 10 character minimum.

You don’t need to do that though. There are other ways…

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Dragons should be ruling Azeroth either openly or in secret because they are just that smart and powerful. Encountering one should not be a trivial moment.

You know, like they do in Shadowrun.

They’re not either, Anya.
They have done absolutely nothing but fail their entire tenures.
Every one of them.

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Something has to make the protagonist-mortals look good.