What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

No, I don’t visit the story forums too often. Even in BFA and Shadowlands when the story wasn’t good I generally held out some hope for it to turn out well. With dragonflight it’s not just that its bad, it’s boring.

  1. I’m not moving the goalposts. I’m simply hammering in on one point that you seemingly can’t refute. You’ve taken issue with the only “good” female characters that have ever been killed off. In so doing you are effectively demanding they be plot armored which will lead to a less compelling story.
  2. Dude. There were no lightforged in WoD at all. Why would Yrel be lightforged? It doesn’t matter if the models are similar, they’re not lightforged.
  3. Gunlod never denounces Odin as an Oathbreaker. I asked you for what she says when she denounces Odin and you could not provide a quote, because there isn’t one. Odin isn’t held to account for any of his actions in Norse mythology. He’s simply held to a different standard, which is effectively no standard. Magic is considered womanly in Norse mythology, Odin practices magic regularly. Which brings me back to the initial point of this entire line. Are you mad at the writers because Odin "gets off scott-free or are you mad at Norse Mythology?
  4. I never claimed the freshly restored theory was canon. It’s a fan theory that can be an explanation for canon. Illidan one shotting Xe’ra IS canon.
  5. Page 84 - “…and her ability to lay more had been forever taken away, but in addition to all that she lived with the knowledge that the other dragonflights had also suffered so. She might have accepted her loss of power, but not this loss of her kind’s future.” The book details the events surrounding the dragonflights due to the events that transpire in cata.
  6. I don’t believe it’s a reflection. I think Xe’ra’s restoration turns his eyes back golden. In Warcraft II: Beyond the Dark Portal he is also shown as having golden eyes.
  7. Popularity is important when you’re making a video game. If people don’t want to play your game, you’ve got a major problem.
  8. Sounds like you’re ok with enslaving people depending on who’s doing the enslavement to me.
  9. Sylvanas isn’t brought up once in this video…
  10. Even in BFA, which is arguably when Delaryn gets the most use, she’s still a minor character compared to Helya.
  11. Eviscerated.
  12. Seems like you think calling out someone for “moving the goalposts” makes it true.

You make it sound like the rest of Blizzard had nothing to do with it. Look, like it or not Blizzard likes escalating things. They were not going to simply do Theramore 2.0, they wanted it to be bigger and more shocking. Hence, making it a genocide.

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Bottom of the barrel take posted on the very forums where people were buttmad they didn’t get to off Jaina because “blue woman bad.”


I was curious. It ultimately doesn’t matter if you are him or not. Anyway, here we go again;

  1. I took issue with what happened to 5 specific characters. The morality of the ones who died was, and is, irrelevant to the argument, so your tangent was reduntant.
  2. What makes you think they weren’t Lightforged? Remember the saying?
  3. What makes you say Gunnlod doesn’t denounce Odin? Also, Hel from Norse mythology was able to make Odin compromise (so she had to call him out, and Norse mythology flip-flops on her morality).
  4. My point is people (not just talking about you) need to stop calling fan theories canon or treating them as such.
  5. That’s still not from Cata and it’s not good story-telling, though it proves that lore wasn’t introduced in Legion.
  6. Warcraft II was before he encountered Xe’ra, so her restoration and death shouldn’t have affected the glow… unless it was a mere reflection. There was also no change in his character before and after that moment.
  7. Half-right. Popularity helps sales, but it’s not a mark of quality. Twilight made more money than Shawshank Redemption. Fifty Shades of Grey made more than Schindler’s List. Which works are better made?
  8. Sounds like you’re calling a fan theory canon.
  9. I linked two videos.
  10. I already gave you the benefit of the doubt, so this still stands. I said Helya in Shadowlands, not Legion (then again, Sylvanas and Delaryn had a bigger impact on each other than Sylvanas and Helya). Dungeon and Raid boss doesn’t equal main character.
    By that logic, Kel’thuzad would be a more major character than Sylvanas or Jaina (being a raid boss 3 times - and the final boss for Vanilla vs once as a dungeon boss and once as a raid boss). That reminds me of another female character whose story was screwed over for the same reasons; Jaina Proudmoore. Her rage-quitting from the story in Legion was ridiculous (guess he couldn’t write out Tyrande, so Jaina got cut).
  11. Wrong.
  12. Remember, “If it walks like a…”
  1. Among those 5 specific characters are two who died, which you promptly blamed on the writers misogyny.
  2. Because they weren’t lightforged, had you played during WoD you would understand the difference.
  3. I say Gunlod never denounces Odin because she doesn’t. There is not a single quote you can point to that makes your case. I’m not aware of Hel ever forcing Odin to compromise, you would need to provide proof that this is the case.
  4. I’m not denying your point; however, canon is canon and fan theories are allowed to be referenced. Illidan one shotting Xe’ra is canon. I merely offered a fan theory explaining canon.
  5. It’s referencing the events of Cata, the consequences of Cata. This is why people who know about lore reference cata on the issue of the dragonflights losing their ability to procreate.
  6. If Xe’ra has the power to force the light on anyone based on her will alone, then she could have empowered Turalyon before, with or against his will.
  7. If people don’t want to play your game, and would prefer an older version of it, you have a major problem.
  8. That’s not fan theory, both Xe’ra and Illian tried to forced another into servitude based on their will.
  9. Neither video mentions Sylvanas, nor do they focus on lore or story.
  10. Who’s moving the goalposts again? Suddenly it’s now Helya in shadowlands, an expansion that everyone agrees completely destroyed the lore.
    12./13. I can’t help but feel that I’m discussing lore with a person that only started playing the game in BFA. Can we even have a meaningful dialogue?

Academically, this may be correct in that The Alliance are not Moral Paragons.

…Relative to everything in the setting? The other big power tends to break down into civil war every other expansion that the Alliance have to end up helping them with, and when it’s not centred on H and A going at loggerheads, most of the Narriative beats fall into the Alliance’s Wheelhouse with almost No Horde Input ever really being acknowledged.

With all that in mind, it’s hard to not argue that they’re indeed the “Good Guys”


She can be salvaged, that’s the whole problem. She is put on a bus, so she can used again.

  1. You’re either misunderstanding or strawmanning my argument.
  2. I have played WoD. If you’ve played WoD and BfA, you’ll notice the changes.
  3. And you know Norse Mythology? Have you read the Poetic Edda or other sources?
  4. Referencing a fan theory isn’t the same as treating or claiming it as canon and you know it.
  5. I still said from Cata.
  6. No need for fan theory, you can see how it happened in canon here in “A Thousand Years of War”; https://bnetcmsus-a.akamaihd.net/cms/template_resource/U5IQKY6K35271505861653212.pdf
  7. My point still stands.
  8. The slavery part is fan theory, what we saw was a class change - swapping Fel for Light.
  9. Double-checked. Info came from second-hand accounts with contacts;
  10. I always said Helya in Legion and Shadowlands, I think you’re projecting with that accusation.
  11. (and 13.) Pot, meet kettle.

Boys, can you take this weird slap flight to a room?

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My guy, my homie, my dude.

Saurfang was a bigot to undead. They pit him against the Queen of the Undead to make her look really bad for killing a guy who had regrets about participating in war. He said he wanted to die with honor, for his clan that was dying on the battlefield against a hated enemy… she gave him that honor, and he was exonerated for slaughtering human children and loving every minute of it.

Edit: Skipping the rigamarole: There are none.
You lied.
Over something incredibly stupid and pointless.


Wouldn’t it be better just to say that Saurfang was a massive hypocrite? Because the dude kinda was. He only hated war when it became inconvenient for him and his side was loosing

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Again, that was him being rewritten out of character for Sylvanas’s benefit.

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ALL of BFA was everyone getting written out of character for no-one’s benefit. It sucked.

Well, I guess Anduin and Baine were written mostly in-character, but still as wussy idiots, so we still didn’t like them anymore than anyone else.


Whether or not everyone was rewritten badly, saurfang was specifically written badly so that Sylvanas wouldn’t look like the only villain.


1.He literally calls his son a monster for being raised by the Lich King.
2. Compares being raised into undead to orcs choosing to drink felblood.
3. Prejudice against Sylvanas prior to the War of Thorns.
4. Siding with Garrosh until the final hour.

His son was turned into a monster by the lich king.

No he doesn’t.

Sylvanas was evil prior to the war of thorns and approved of having lobotomized teenage girls as slaves.

Saurfang didn’t side with garrosh until the final hour you obstinate rube.


You always resort to ad hominem.

Grow up dude. For a grown man, you act like a child.

You literally make up lies to argue with.


Most of what I pointed out was from the Horde ICC Dranosh fight. The rest from from Before the Storm.

Orc discrimination against undead isn’t a lie, it’s literally part of why the Orcs didn’t want the Forsaken to join the Horde. Cairne Bloodhoof had to appeal to Thrall multiple times, and the only reason why Thrall eventually agreed was because Cairne thought undeath could be cured.