What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

That’s not really what I was replying to, frankly I don’t care the reasons, this topic has been done to death. I was only responding to that paladin guy for the specific need he had to see Sylvanas killed. You can hate Sylvanas all you want, but wanting her dead is messed up, more so if you make it torture :corn:, like the topic of killing Sylvanas usually devolves into.

No idea why Lord God loving Christian guy wants her dead but I absolutely don’t think she deserves to return after ruining the Horde.

She and Garrosh are the faces of the act. Garrosh is permanently soul destroyed. What’s good for Garrosh is good for Sylvanas.

The Horde can never be seen as a heroic faction again after Sylvanas. She doesn’t deserve grace after that and I definitely don’t deserve having to see her again.

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The Forsaken Heritage quest chain hints she will be back some day, not in a leadership role. I am content with that, that to me is Blizzard striking a compromise with her fans.


While it’s true that our history has biases and incorrect information, some people forget that there are also established and proven historical facts regardless by bias.

If they’ll retcon an entire race’s history, peoples’ personalities and the very cosmology repeatedly, I cannot trust that anything here is safe from retcon.

He got a cool death scene. That’s something the Horde was robbed of when Voljin died

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Did you use to have a Goblin avatar on these forums? You remind me of someone I’ve debated in the past.

  1. That’s not what I was referring to when I pointed out moving the goalposts and you know it.
  2. How so? The Draenei models were Lightforged Draenei, and the Orcs and Ogres were sporting the same eyes and tattoos. If it looks like a duck…
  3. Denouncing him as an oathbreaker (a grievous sin in Norse mythology).
  4. Making up fan theories for canon events doesn’t make those theories canon, and I want people to stop acting like it does.
  5. Where in that book do they say it? And that book was from MoP when I asked for something from Cata.
  6. That was just a literal reflection, like sunlight shining on water or a mirror. He didn’t change in character or lose any abilities nor for the other Lightforged.
  7. Popularity doesn’t equal quality.
  8. Since they’re different acts, saying one was wrong and the other was right isn’t having it both ways. Is it okay to force vaccines on people? Is it okay to forcibly incarcerate criminals? Those questions have different answers.
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKhGEj3-y8o&ab_channel=TradeChat \https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XKy6WDwqDsY&ab_channel=FinalBossTV
  10. I called it that you’d try to move the goalposts. Your analogy is poor. Being a dungeon or raid boss doesn’t make one a main character. And Helya’s role in Shadowlands was less important than Delaryn’s in BfA.
  11. See my previous reply.

The way you keep moving the goalposts and making disingenuous comments makes me suspect you’re less interested in facts and more interested in trying to get the last word in.

I used to want Sylvanas dead because of her crimes, double standards relating to them (Sylvanas kept getting let off light when other characters are killed for lesser crimes) and part from overuse (getting tired of seeing her in the story and being overhyped by fans and writers). Now, I just have Sylvanas fatigue.


one does not deny the other.

Yes, one does.
My complaint is that characters that Sylvanas killed do not get to return.
How he died (one shot no sell KO) does not in any way invalidate my claim that Saurfang does not get to come back when Sylvanas does.

That reminds me of an additional reason I wanted Sylvanas dead; her ridiculous plot armor.

Since becoming undead, Sylvanas has died twice, but neither of those times were as punishment for her crimes. The first was suicide and the second was betrayal by a villainous ally. But she got to come back both times no worse for wear. Throw in other moments like Elune taking Night Warrior Tyrande’s power when she literally had Sylvanas by the throat… no other WoW character has enjoyed that level of plot armor.

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Yes they do not return but they got a cool death scene and multiple cinematics.
Learn to look at life with a glass half full rather than half empty.

Saurfang was written out of character to Sylvanas’s benefit for the expansion.
His cutscenes of being written out of character are not in any way a boon.


And this was the biggest mistake he did. For me, the Chronicles are the actual lore bibles, while his writing is not required in the grand scheme.

Everything is non-canon for me since Legion. Nothing feels real or earned.


I can sympathize.

On that note, I think the writers forget that the characters don’t need to know everything the audience knows. We could’ve had the Chronicles as the irrefutable facts of the setting, while characters in universe know varying amounts of the lore that’s in the books.

It is possible to have established canon and a few mysteries in a setting. Keep Elune’s origins mysterious while giving us cold, hard facts about the Alliance the Horde and the actions of the Titans.


Elune needs to be dulled down. Everything about the Horde has been.
Parity, Blizzard, what even is it?

I don’t think parity really exists. Saurfang got 3 major cinematic cutscenes but an Alliance character never got anything close to such a thing.

If true parity existed we would have seen that already but having said that.
Having said that… what a healthy and adult way of looking at things…


This was a term used in Blizzard’s own short story Elegy, page 5, which I think that’s worth considering when remembering those times.

“Sylvanas Windrunner had committed genocide.”

Whether I believe it to be a Geneva Convention definition of genocide, is not the point, and I don’t want to rehash that old noise. Just dropping that ya gotta reference the source material that also uses the same word.

Clearly that was used strategically to double-down on what the writers knew would be a fairly controversial event.


Iirc, the dev(s) doing this were destroying Sylvanas as an attack on another dev by purposely creating a situation so messed up that she could never salvaged as a character again.


Yeah, Afrasiabi, right?

I believe so.