What exactly is so bad about Danuser's writing?

  1. If Afrsiabi’s mysogyny crept into the story it did not make a huge effect. There are around 10 deaths of important male characters and two important deaths among female characters while he was lead. (One of these gets brought back to life)

  2. Lightforged were added in legion. The expansion after Yrel. Are you asking why they didn’t go back and retcon Yrel as a lightforged?

  3. No one calls out Odin in Norse mythology for casting Hel in the underworld. She’s half ice giant who effectively are the villains in Norse mythology.

  4. The freshly restored fan theory attempts to explain Illidans ability to one shot Xe’ra. Illidan one shotting Xe’ra is canon.

  5. Illidan has an immortal demon soul but he still has a mortal form. This mortal form is what Sargeras is trying to inhabit.

  6. Illidan certainly had a central role in Legion. Which makes sense considering he’s been going on about the legion forever.

  7. If you watch the cutscene Turalyons eyes go from gold to brown after Xe’ra is killed. This to me indicates that he lost some form of empowerment upon her death.

  8. I like Illidans one liners. I am my scars is simply a reference to his scarred body and the mistakes that he’s made along the way.

  9. Being reborn in the light is absolutely a forced conversion. And yes, what illidan did to Akama is a similar forced conversion. Illidan enslaved part of Akama’s soul.

  10. Really they didn’t villain bat Yrel, certainly not in game. You don’t see her in game forcefully converting orcs to the light. You really don’t see her again after the Archimonde cutscene. Danusers love of Sylvanas ruined her character, by proxy it also ruined every other powerful character she interacted with.

  11. You were the one that claimed Ysera’s death was proof of a writers issues with women. If every well liked female characters death is going to be looked at as proof of misogyny then you actually are demanding plot armor under a threat of painting the writers as misogynists.

  12. Yeah, hopefully Metzen can right the ship.

How’s that embarrassing? It’s fairly simple. If male characters can be killed off for dramatic effect or plot reasons and female characters can’t, eventually only female characters will be left. Since these characters can not be killed off for dramatic effect or plot reasons you can no longer have a compelling story.

That future can’t come fast enough. They should kill off Thrall first, then Genn, then Turalyon, Malfurion, Velen, Lorthemar, Belmont, Gazlowe, Rokhan, and Anduin. Then when all the main male faction leaders are dead they should start killing all the secondary male leaders like Gadrin, Volrath, Bwemba, Derek Proudmoore, Mortuus, Faranell, Eitrigg, Rexxar, Voren’thal, Halduron, Rommath, Locus Walker, Umbric… and bascially all the hundreds of male characters still in this game who are still relevant.

If you need violence against women for a “complelling story” you should maybe self reflect on why you need that.

Meh,most of the time they stil prance around in visage formpretending to be elves. So clearly they still think they don’t look good enough for dragons. :rofl:

  1. It’s not just about “characters killed off” but the circumstances in the story and what happened after.
  2. Don’t play dumb. That “Lightbound” business happened during a timeskip, so there’s no reason Yrel herself wouldn’t have become Lightforged during.
  3. Norse mythology acknowledges Odin is an “oathbreaker”, one of the worst sins according to that religion, and more. No-one in universe outside Helya criticizes Odyn’s treatment of her.
  4. Fan theory for canon events does not make the theory canon and you know it.
  5. Having a mortal form isn’t the same as being mortal.
  6. The problem lies in the execution.
  7. That has nothing to do with the Lightforged Draenei’s actions, especially since Turalyon still chose to attack Illidan after but they didn’t.
  8. I dislike Illidan one-liners. I consider that one in particular as meaningless pretending to be meaningful.
  9. Thus I call Xe’ra’s attempted class change on Illidan poetic justice after his stunt with Akama.
  10. I think Danuser’s love for Sylvanas was part of the problem, yes, as it led to the tug-of-war with Afrasiabi’s hatred and we got what we got. As for Yrel, you think they’re not portraying her as villainous in that scenario?
  11. There you go again with the strawman. I never said “every female character”, you did.
  12. So do I.

Turning a Demon Hunter into a Paladin isn’t enslaving them. If anything, Xe’ra tried to give Illidan a supernatural vaccine against Fel.

Are you joking or what? She clearly tried to force herself on him denym him his choice.
You don’t have to be Illidan fan to recognise that she had it coming.
I also happen to have characters I dislike, and unfortunately that majority of the big lore characters, but you have to try to look at the situation objectively and not through bias.

I know it’s difficult, as I also occasionally fall prey to that when I feel strongly about certain subject.

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How do I know you’re not looking at this through a bias for Illidan?

Only thing she tried to deny him was use of Fel. As for his response, excessive force is a thing.

You don’t know. You have to believe me when I say that I really despise edgelords. I don’t play as DH or DK, I was never fan of Sylvanas, Illydank, Nathanos and the likes.
And I always lean toward underdogs, characters that ignored, mistreated and narrative that almost always seems to be skewed against them. The more Blizzard tries to trash them/ mistreat them, the more I root for them.

And yet you approve of Illidan killing Xe’ra for trying to do something that would make him less edgelord (no longer using Fel), plus that cinematic where he killed her was his most edgelord moment.

What do you consider the narrative treating a character as trash? Does that extend to villains?

Illidan said no; Xe’ra did not take no for an answer and bound him with the Light before attempting to forcefully convert him to be what she thought he should be. That she got fel lasered to death was 100% her own fault.


No, I approve it because she had no right to force herself on him. Nobody has such a right. And he did the right thing.

My dislike to him isn’t clouding my judgement.


After what Illidan did to Akama, I have no sympathy for him here.

Excessive force is still a thing. She deserved to die for trying to vaccinate him against Fel?

Illidan was reasonable to defend himself against an agressive assault that would of left him a lightbound, yes.

Let’s frame this differently. If the N’zoth tried to “vaccinate” you against Light, would you say the same? It is the same thing.


I don’t have sympathy for him too, but in the end he did what every other person in exact same situation would do. If someone would try to do something like that to you, you’d be livid.


Lightforged, not “Lightbound”, that’s just a group name.

It’s not the same; given their vastly different track records and goals (for one, Turalyon and Lothraxion challenge Xe’ra on a Light-related matter, she compromises. Anyone challenges N’Zoth on a Void-related matter, he harms them), I’d trust Xe’ra over N’Zoth any day.

Not everyone. Also, I wouldn’t express objection through killing. Illidan was strong enough to break free, he didn’t need to kill. Finally, killing you allies’ leader in the middle of enemy territory is dumb.

This is how I feel right about now, so Imma bow out here.


I didn’t view Xera’s interaction with Illidan as anything nefarious.

If I had to make an analogy she was trying to give Illidan a gun but he was happy with his fedora hat and his 100% real Japanese katana. She kept trying to shove it in his hand and He refused and Xera exploded as result of the gun being thrown back at her.

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I think the vaccine analogy falls apart because Xe’ra wasn’t trying to protect Illidan, but remake him into her image of what he should be. It comes off as a weak attempt to counter-analogy when people say she was forcing herself on Illidan, which is much more explicit in the cutscene when she binds him on camera.


I use the vaccine analogy. Xe’ra wanted to give Illidan a vaccine against Fel (we’ve seen the effects of Fel, and for those who worry about the effects of the Light, vaccines can also have side-effects but we still take them). He didn’t want it. She tried to give him the vaccine by force, and he killed her in response.

I see where you’re coming from, imo I’d describe the last part as “Illidan then kills Xe’ra with his katana”.

Given her devotion to the Light. the proven effects of Light and Fel by comparison, and how she literally says he’ll be “whole” and “healed”, her intent to protect is clear. She was trying to change his powers from Fel to Light. Vaccines can also cause major changes. Therefore that analogy isn’t weak as you think (at least it’s better than the SA analogy certain haters use).

  1. You’ve taken issue with the only “good” female characters that have been killed off. You directly atributed their deaths to a writers attitude towards women. There’s no going back now and saying “I just didn’t like the execution”.
  2. It happened during a timeskip to the past in an alternate universe. Lightforged hadn’t come to azeroth yet, why would they be in alternate universe dreanor. The lore states they’re at Argus.
  3. Yes, Odin breaks some oaths in Norse mythology, but your assertion that “people who are not villains call him out for it” is untrue as far as I know. He’s not even considered an oath breaker hence the “Odin’s Oath”.
  4. It doesn’t have to make it canon. Canon is Illidan one shots Xe’ra, the fan theory is an attempt to explain the canon.
  5. Having an immortal soul is not the same as being immortal.
  6. I think legion was executed well. It’s probably the last expansion I can say that about.
  7. Their faction leader just got done saying Illidan is the chosen one.
  8. Illidan one-liners aren’t for everyone. Personally I like a lot of them.
  9. So are you switching tactics from, “Xe’ra was right to force baptise him”, to “he deserved it”. It was wrong for Illidan to do to Akama and it was wrong for Xe’ra to attempt to do the same to Illidan.
  10. How do you know Afrasiabi hated Sylvanas? Afrasiabi was still lead during legion and Sylvanas got a lot of a attention during that xpac.
  11. You can’t name a female main character that dies that you don’t have a problem with beyond obvious villains.