It’s over bro. WoW will drop UNDER 1 million subs STAMPED. Bookmark it
Tis very simple.
They don’t have faith in WoW anymore, at least in the sense that it’s guaranteed to make them big bucks.
You left the HIT off your name Sir.
This made my day.
Talent systems is just taking the existing system and things like conduits, leggo powers, tier set powers and putting them into a single interface. In a sense, less work.
Big question I have is, how are the talent points going to be awarded? I’d be very surprised if it’s hit max level and your done. Is it going to be a renown like time gate? Have to loot your points from somewhere?
It’s going back to basics. Less on everything and focusing improving the game and improving QOL and improving on everything and making everything accountwide and alt friendliness and discontinue on expansion level systems.
As usual one point per level, starting at lvl 10.
You will have 26/25 to place at 60
And 31/30 at 70.
Dude… the game hasn’t even entered alpha. Give it some time… it was only announced a week or so ago.
Amount of development is correlated to the profits and product life cycle. In crude terms, Less subscriptions = less content.
This doesn’t really make any sense because WoW is still generating enough profit for it to be listed as one of Activision’s top-performing games.
Might still be one of Activision’s top-preformers, but how do profits compare to when they at 12+ million subscribers?
I mean, does that really matter? World of Warcraft’s more recent expansions have been much more expansive in the way of content than WotLK ever was, except maybe Shadowlands. BfA and Legion were massive and fell short of the subscription count WotLK touted.
This is all assuming, by the way, that Dragonflight is going to be a small expansion. We don’t know anything about it and the deep dives they showed us didn’t give us much in the way of actual gameplay. The most gameplay we had were still shots of the HUD, a couple spell animations for the new class, and around a handful of short clips featuring dragon riding.
That tells me that the game isn’t ready to be shown, and so they don’t want to set out on announcing anything that isn’t assuredly going to be in the game at launch. It would be an absolute killer for the trust they’re trying so desperately to rebuild for them to announce a slew of new features, only to have them not in at release. Remember when they were crucified over capitals being cut from WoD?
Consider the last things they added as special modes.
Island Adventures
Horriffic Visions
And to a lesser extent things like Path of Ascension, Venthyr dinner party, etc.
Now, to be fair there are some players that really like these things. BUT I think it’s also fair to say there there are a LOT of players who did not like them, and of those many quit the game over them, or in combination of them and other features such as endless grinds linked to them or linking them to player power they feel is necessary to character progression but gated behind repeating content they dislike week after week.
I for one am glad they isn’t a special mode… but I would be open to TRYING new things if they aren’t forced down my throat.
Path of Ascension was a lot of fun in my opinion. It was just hidden behind needing to be a Kyrian and also hidden behind multiple layers of time-gates and currency grinds.
No Brawler’s Guild? No Proving Grounds? Nothing? Does Blizzard actually believe that cycling Mythic+ dungeons more frequently by reusing MoP dungeons is going to make people okay with lacking other fun things to do in the game? I play a lot of M+ but sometimes I need a break from it and other things to do help shake it up. In 9.0 I was spending time doing Path of Ascension when I needed a break. In 9.1.5, Mage Tower sucked up a ton of my time (basically the entire month of December). In 9.2 / 9.2.5 we will have Jailer’s Gauntlet to work on.
In Dragonflight? Nothing. If you get bored with the game, you just quit I guess.
Yeah, but that’s not exactly the same thing.
I don’t think Dragonflying is going to be linked to player power so much as being able to get places slightly easier. It really depends how it’s presented and what they do with it.
That does seem like a major slap in the face. Brawlers Guild is the kind of super casual fun content that they need right now.
All of that would be easy wins in a time they really REALLY need those easy wins.
Dragonflying isn’t really content, at least from what I’ve seen. Time will tell.
It’s one of the few major things in the expansion, I can’t imagine them making it totally optional.
Is pretty lackluster xpac. I think it’s more blizzard figuring out how to squeeze resources while still putting out something to pay a sub for, I don’t think resources are going anywhere except in the coffers.
I agree with this, too early to tell