What exactly is Blizzard doing?

Honestly. So we know that Dragonflight is launching with no extra features, no extra systems, no extra content, no class lore, no class quests, no class flavor, nothing but 4 leveling zones, a new Race/Class hybrid that has a leveling experience likely the same size as DK/DH (that is to say, not much larger than Exile’s Reach), 4 leveling dungeons, 4 M+ dungeons, and a raid.

Where has their manpower been redirected? I don’t understand.

Shadowlands is probably the smallest expansion we’ve ever seen while simultaneously having the longest content droughts ever. You would think the small amount of effort they would put in meant they redirected it towards Dragonflight, but there’s no indication that is the case. Dragonflight looks to be just about smaller than Warlords of Draenor in many respects, the only thing DF having over WoD being actually having M+.

I don’t actually understand. Is this brain drain from all of the firings? What is going on?


there are new features like dragonriding

but yea i felt underwhelmed at the reveal


i wouldnt call the talent system rework and dragon flying no systems. also they said there is more then 4 DF dungeons 8 in total just split 4 for 1 season plus old 4 for another plus old ones.
im so far viewing this as WoW taking a beach episode :smiley: nothing crazy just some good content.


Man it’s almost like the xpac is far away and haven’t released all the details

Nah, this is clearly the entire thing


Feels fine to me so far. BFA and SL reveals felt like fast food and just trying to get content into the mouths of players. Feels more to me like they are going for a more grounded, traditional experience this time.

I think some people ignore the fact that throughout BFA and SL they consistently said they were struggling for time and resources with development. I think it’s a good thing that they are toning it down.


I agree with this sentiment but uhh… ideally we should be pivoting towards our next Legion after having a WoD. The idea of a low energy expansion after a bad expansion is not great.


Team downsize, limited budget = they give us the minimum.


I don’t know if I really want any new systems.

Some new battlegrounds would be dope but new raids, dungeons, zones, and gear is good for me. Also feel like the new profession system is going to take up a lot of my play time too.

But maybe there is more stuff they haven’t revealed yet? Who knows


Seems like the system soup stuff from the past two xpacs has been traded in for the new talent system and zones bigger than those in Northrend, which seems like a solid trade to me.


From what I’ve read dragon flying in itself will be system (with IMHO have numerous time gates built in).



wouldnt call it low energy we dont know what they have planned completely. so i wouldn’t worry just yet

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Honestly I’ve been happy with everything I’ve heard so far. Seems like they’re eating a full humble pie after Shadowlands, the interviews have been pretty good. Remains to be seen if they can deliver, of course.

I’m keeping my eye on it but so far I’ve been pleasantly surprised.

Cancel your subs and play gw2 instead. It’s the superior MMO in almost every way.


they are going to go back to basics all i care about is the talent trees and wod pvp system coming back.

ill be pvping and leveling the new class and then my alts to 70.

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im really happy with the simplicity of everything so far.

i liked how expansions used to just add an everlasting qol addition and the rest was focused on classes and the content people actually enjoy.

bc was confirmed additional races to come and flying

wotlk was vehicles, rdf and confirmed additional classes to come.

cata was world revamp


We need time to actually build up to something. It’s been nothing but huge hit after huge hit. They will prolly lay the foundation for more in Dragonflight, but taking this slower is prolly a good thing. I kinda welcome an expansion to just bring some fun back into the game. Where we can fix and improve on some of the broken systems, and establish a good foundation going forward.

So much of the last few years has been nothing but adding features and systems that are there for an expansion and a patch, and then abandoning them. Dragonflight might look boring to some, but I am thrilled with the fact that they seem to be addressing things for the long term, not just one expansion. :slight_smile:

Also… I am STILL grinning about the new race. First time since I started playing I am going to be knocked off of Mage for my main. I do wish they could be more classes, but Evoker is still the kind of class I like. It’s worth it to play a dragon person. I am a happy girl. :slight_smile:

Edit: Okay, less thrilled and more cautiously optimistic. I really hope they can pull off what they seem to be trying to do, but let’s all be real here… It is still Blizzard. :stuck_out_tongue:


Peak coping. I can definitely the majority of what’s coming and it’s probably gonna be really similar to what we have, just slightly better because SL was a total flop post launch.


i do not, in fact, know what exactly blizzard is doing. have you tried asking them?


BC had a massive amount of dungeon content, created the template for dungeons to follow for the next ~16 years, and introduced the Heroic Dungeon system. BC also had 10/25 man raid split and sort of re-envisioned what raiding even was (going from strictly about spamming consumables and roster boss to a bit more skill-based and mechanic heavy). BC also created the modern concept of Daily Quest Hubs. Oh yeah, and it introduced ARENA and basically defined PvP for the rest of the franchise’s life…

Like I could go on and on and on about BC. Imagine saying BC “just added new races”.

Note, WOTLK also had a ton of revolutionary features that moved the game forward as well like Heroic Raiding.

Nothing beyond “minimum viable product”. They’re doing the absolute minimum possible amount of content with nothing beyond that. No big split raid tier, no plethora of dungeons, just the absolute smallest amount of content possible that you could justify calling an expansion.