If the restaurant has a big opening announcement event and advertised just a few things, it’d be pretty reasonable to expect that’s what will be available.
Personally Id rather see smaller, more frequent ‘expansions’.
Every 6 months release two or three new medium sized zones with a main bad guy to defeat in each. No more gods, demons, whatever. Just genocidal power mad lunatics we need to save the region from.
Highmountain would be a pretty good template for how big and general feel.
2 dungeons and 1 raid per zone.
Stop making bigger expansions that take so much time to produce with way too much involvement of universe killing deities that we just conveniently can beat so easily, but were never noticed before now.
Stop making huge changes to classes/specs. Jesus christ, the second they start feeling good you jokers rip the carpet out from under our feet, ruining what was finally turning out to be a half decent spec and now I not only have to learn it again but your math sucks and it takes a year before its decent again.
Tweaks. Maybe small things added or changed here and there.
Its clear the days of ‘epic’ are long past, so lets stop trying to do epic and just do really good.
If you’d stop trying REmake the flipping game every 2 years and leave the basics alone we could get comfortable with our classes and just play the CONTENT and you’d have more time to make that content instead of trying to reinvent the wheel over and over again.
In almost 20 years–this company has never released full expansion patch notes, as well as future expansion patch notes such as x.1/x.2 a year before the expansion releases.
I don’t know what you all are expecting or wanting. It’s silly.
wait I’ve checked every interview and there’s not anything about 2 new profession, please links.
Also, I agree with OP since we’ve the following for the last 2 expansions besides the core elements from the game.
Covenant (Not player power, I mean questlines, covenants buildings, cosmetics)
Dragonflight has so far:
New race/class
Dragon riding
But the presentation for this expansion is still missing the features video and i don’t count a race/class as a feature, if you already have a main character, players also expect something like a new mage tower…etc
I’d like to see new features like Brawlers Guild 2.0, Mage Tower, Torghast 2.0, Revamp Holidays…etc just focus on gameplay and not player power that ruined Torghast image during Shadowlands.
If I may interject, I believe the issue you two are having is how you view “content”. I’m a collector, “content” to me is anything I can collect. Quests are content, xmog is content, new mounts are content, toys are content, wild pets in the world is content, new profession recipes are content, reps are content. Every expansion to me has a mountain of new content others have a different view though.
None of what I mentioned is content to some people, and to others it is partial content but not their main content. So when someone says “there is no new content” I take that as meaning “there is nothing that I’m interested in being added” which is a fair argument.
They had breakouts going after the initial presentation.
An idea of the actual stuff we’ll get to do with our characters that’s not Flight Sim: Azeroth.
They’re definitely doing a lot of under the hood work that’s going to be an improvement. Talents, for example, must be taking up a lot of dev time, but for most people, that’s a set it and forget it item. Maybe have 2 load outs for pve/pvp. Maybe make a change if Blizz does a big tuning pass.
What is so hard for people to understand about this? We’re 250 posts in this post and people don’t understand what content, like, y’know, playing a video game and doing stuff is. Improvements to the game are great but like… what are we going to do in DF but 4 new M+ dungeons, 4 old dungeons, and a raid (which will probably be fun, but nothing new)?
Legion changed up the gameplay for many classes, and honestly, imo, that’s the only thing Legion had going for it. You could never log out because of endless AP grinds until 7.3.
The content was good, but endgame was an absolute slog until 7.3.
Like, don’t get me wrong, Suramar was a good and fine zone but the amount of time you had to spend there was unreasonable
It’s not like people are going to be logging in daily going “let me change my load outs up!” Most folks will fill out one or both and that’s it until there’s a major nerf/buff to something.
You are making a fool out of yourself OP. They talked about DF for about 40 minutes, if that. There is no way they can or probably even want to fit all the information about an expansion into that timeframe. And the fact that you liked my comment shows that you have no clue what you are talking about. I was actively pointing out that it is unreasonable to expect to know everything at this point, and you, a person who expects to know everything about the launch right now ( or thinks they do know) liked it.
So let me get this straight, people have been whining about “SyStEmS” since BfA. (See Shadowlands meme “Systemlands”) Now Blizzard dials it back for the next expansion and people still complaining that there’s nothing to do.
This playerbase really complains about anything lol