What exactly is Blizzard doing?


Probably going to be one of those expansions that doesn’t start becoming good until X.1.5, in this case 10.1.5.

Doing what? That’s my point. The only difference between WoD and DF is M+. I guess it will be a test of my theory that WoD would be much better received if it had M+… but then again, the version of M+ in DF is only half an M+ anyways, lol.

Games don’t need systems tomake them feel good. They just need rich relatable lore with fun daily activities and a strong progression path. Let us make the story, instead of being force fed it.

…only a limited amount about the expansion based on a short set of video discussions by developers.

Obviously. To say that “Dragonflight looks to be just about smaller than Warlords of Draenor” based on an introductory release video seems a bit short sighted.

It’s also the same as Wrath and MoP except for Mythic+?

Considering the only difference from wrath and mop to WoD was basically dailies which DF will have.

I’m excited for dragonflight. I’m amazed at how many interviews they are doing. I love Ions hint we are not just staying in dragon Isles. I love how there is something to explore, they said there is big bads to deal with but they are not front and center.


MoP lost subs for the game so while some people hold it up as a holy grail, it really wasn’t. Edit: MoP also added the original Timeless Isle, so it got some brownie points for novelty. Timeless Isle style isles are old hat at this point though.

As far as Wrath, if you look at it from the lens of 2022, sure, but back then it was adding new features for people to play. Something like the Argent Tournament was new-ish, and LFD was a big new add for a lot of folks. A lot of folks identify with heroic badge farming as their end-game which was a whole new thing for them.

No. We don’t. In fact, we know next to squat about what the new expansion is launching with other then the 3 things they announced.

Timeless Isle, LFD, and Argent Tournament were part of release of these expansions?

And Argent Tournament was a super generic daily hub with no real story.

Badge farming was a TBC thing not new with Wrath.

Let’s call it what is is. Dragon flight is just what 9.3 was supposed to be and added a feature called “train your dragon”

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M+ is a pretty big freaking deal…What?

Not sure why wrath came up. Online gaming was still a relatively niche thing until the time it came out.

their manpower isnt being redirected, Ion and the CEO are just busy spending more money on yachts, drugs, and nonsense while they leave WoW on maintence mode until they drive it into the grave while they scream YOLO.

They dont care about the game, they just wanna drive it till it stops working like an old car.

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People don’t want extra systems; they’ve been complaining about how many systems there are in Shadowlands, calling it Systemslands, etc. The zones are going to be much larger than what we’ve had recently. There’s going to be four new M+ dungeons and four old ones (which to many people might as well be new) because they’re going to completely switch them between seasons.

Would they? Everyone’s favorite battleground probably came out like fifteen years ago at this point; newer ones that no one likes such as Seething Shore have mostly made the game worse by making it so you get WSG or AB less often.

It’s like buying a house to flip but discovering it needs asbestos remediation, all new electrical and plumbing, and foundation issues to fix.

Sure, you spent a lot improving it, but you may still be lucky to make a profit.

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No extra features: you mean besides the all new talent trees, and the revamp of professions?
No extra systems: Like dragon flight? Like the crafter commission board?
No class quests/content: Ok, they haven’t plugged these, but we don’t know for sure.
4 leveling zones: Which they hinted would be huge, as in MoP or WLK sized.
A new hybrid: It’s a new class like everyone was clamoring for.

It feels like you’re just burned out on the game. Perhaps a few months of FF would help you recharge.

A lot of that’s either niche or mini-games content.

Talent trees are cool, but not some you’ll really be worried about once you have one or two builds setup.

Professions and commission board, great for the solo ah goblins.

Dragonflight - minigame

Big zones is great, but will they be fun/rewarding after leveling and into the .1 .2 patches?

New race/class also cool, but totally DOA for tank players.

M+, only half the new dungeons available in first patch? Oof.

There’s definitely a lot of good stuff but asking where’s the actual play your character content is fair at this point.

Depends on the design. Seething shore sucks for sure but that doesn’t mean they can’t make new stuff that’s fun.

I just hope that what they announced is really done and works well. More than enough for me.

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Honestly I know all my friends including myself are celebrating that it’s not touched or soured by anything to do with Shadowlands from a lore perspective, if you’re referring to how they connect in transition.

To be honest, I think it’s too early to tell to make those judgements. WoD had a quick beating flame that died extremely fast.

So far with the ‘Peak’ of content, I feel like I’m getting more out of Dragonflight than I did from the entirety of Warlords of Draenor.

I remember people made the same argument with Legion before it released, and it was an amazing expansion. I think Dragonflight actually looks really promising. I don’t expect them to unload all of the content and features of the expansion before release, that’d be a spoiler alert to the hype facto of playing it.

In the discussion of features, it seemed like a brain-gain from all the feedback with all the positive changes coming forth. I’m skeptic however, due to being betrayed by them in the past, yet I’m willing to give them another chance based on the humility of admission towards their mistakes & solutions to those, along with the intriguing content to dabble further with. At this point in time - Time will tell …

I imagine the talent rework is taking A LOT of development time and man hours.

It requires them to look at each and every spec in the game and decide how to design a new talent system for them. Yea they’re reusing abilities we already have, but they still have to figure out how to fit them all into the talent trees in a cohesive and balanced way.

I would guess it’s taking the most time out of anything.


My feeling is that if it was that far along they would have had more information to release.

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